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Yale History Timeline: 1770 - 1779

October 16, 1770 - July 5, 1779


Oct 16 1770 The General Assembly paid the outstanding debt of the College (£216) and the Corporation then established the professorship of "Mathematicks and natural Philosophy."
1772 Tutor John Trumbull published The Progress of Dullness, a satirical poem on the system of instruction.
Sep 8 1773 Honorary degrees of Doctor of Divinity and Doctor of Laws first conferred.
Jun 28 1775 Student military company drilled for General George Washington and escorted him as far as Mill River on his way to Cambridge, Noah Webster (B.A. 1778) leading the company "with music."
Oct 23 1776 Permission given to the Senior Class for instruction in rhetoric, history, and the belles lettres, "provided it may be done with the Approbation of the Parents or Guardians of said Class."
Nov 4 1777 Professorship of Ecclesiastical History established.
Mar 1777 - Jun 1778 Because of difficulty in securing supplies for Commons, classes assembled under Tutors in Farmington, Glastonbury, and Wethersfield.
Jul 8 1778 Inauguration of the Rev. Dr. Ezra Stiles (B.A. 1746), first Yale graduate to be elected President.
Jul 5 1779 Yale students assisted in checking advance of British troops under General William Tryon.  James Hillhouse (B.A. 1773) "commanded on that day the 2d Company of the Governor's Foot Guards" and the volunteers included former President Daggett "who fought, was wounded, taken prisoner, and maltreated."  The credit of saving the college buildings was claimed by Edmund Fanning (B.A. 1757), then colonel of a Loyalist Regiment.


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