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Yale History Timeline: 1820 - 1829

1821 - 1828


1821 Chi Delta Theta founded by Professor James Luce Kingsley.
1822 Theological Department organized.  Rev. Nathaniel W. Taylor called to professorship of Didactic Theology.
1822 Statement of the courses of instruction, expenses, etc., added to the annual catalogue.
May 1823 Assent to the Saybrook Platform by members of Faculty abrogated.
1823 Beginning of gifts from Sheldon Clark, for many years the large individual donor to the College.
1824 Private law school conducted in New Haven by Seth P. Staples (BA. 1797), Judge David Daggett (B.A. 1783), and Samuel Hitchcock (B.A. 1809) affiliated with Yale College and names students included in the catalogue.
May 24 1825 The Gibbs Cabinet of Minerals, which had been on exhibition since 1810, purchased.
Sep 12 1826 The graduating class numbered 101; the largest previous class (82) graduated in 1814.
Sep 1827 The Society of the Alumni was formed with the avowed object of "sustaining and advancing the interests of the college. "
Summer 1828 Bread and Butter Rebellion.
1828 The Illinois Association formed in the Theological Department following the organization of the American Home Missionary Society.


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