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Yale History Timeline: 1800 - 1809

1800 - 1808


1800 Yale enrollment was 217.
Sep 10 1801 Professorship of Law instituted "for the benefit all the Graduate & Undergraduate Students, belonging to the College."
1801 In one hundred years the degree of Bachelor of Arts had been conferred on 2,333 students.
Spring 1802 A revival of religion experienced in the College.
Sep 9 1802 Benjamin Silliman (B.A. 1796) appointed to professorship of Chemistry and Natural History, first science professor at Yale and in America.
1803 "The necessay expenses, exclusive of clothing, traveling expenses in vacation, and pocket money do not exceed $200 per annum."
Sep 11 1804 The Corporation voted that "Freshmen shall not hereafter be sent on errands by their fellow students."
Sep 10 1805 James L. Kingsley (B.A. 1799) appointed Professor of Languages and Ecclesiastical History and Librarian.  The duties of the latter office had been performed previously by the Senior Tutor.
1808 John Smibert's portrait of Bishop George Berkeley and his family presented to College by Isaac Lothrop of Plymouth, Massachusetts.  The painting is also called "The Bermuda Group."


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