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Yale History Timeline: 1910 - 1919

1910 - 1919-1920


1910 Jane Addams received the first honorary degree awarded to a woman by Yale.
Jun 20 1911 The Elizabethan Club Collection presented to the University Library by Alexander S. Cochran (B.A. 1896).
Oct 1911 Yale Review, New Series, Vol. 1, No. 1.  Edited by Wilbur L. Cross (B.A. 1885).
1911-1915 Yale Peruvian Expeditions conducted by Hiram Bingham III (B.A. 1898) with the cooperation of the National Geographical Society.
1913 President William Howard Taft became professor of constitutional law at Yale.
1913 The requirements for the Master of Arts degree increased to "not less than two years of graduate study."
Feb 22 1913 Alumni University Day first observed.
May 19 1913 First agreement betweent the University and the General Hospital Society of Connecticut, which provided a closer affiliation between the School of Medicine and the New Haven Hospital.
1913 Land purchased at East Lyme for field engineering camp.
1914 Yale Bowl completed, the largest amphitheater to be constructed since the Roman Colosseum.
Jun 20 1915 Dedication of the Civil War Memorial, the gift of about one thousand graduates and friends of the University.
Oct 20-22 1916 Pageant commemorating the Two-hundredth Anniversary of the Removal of Yale College to New Haven.
1916 "Students in the Sheffield Scientific School who are able to comply with the entrance requirements of the School of Medicine may combine their College and Medical courses, entering the School of Medicine at the beginning of their third College year."
1916 Women admitted to the School of Medicine.
Apr 7 1917 The Prudential Committee voted "to approve and adopt on behalf of the Yale Corporation the 'Memorandum [March 27] on the Attitude of Yale University in the Present Crisis,' signed by the President, Secretary and Treasurer of the University, the Dean of the College, the Director of the Sheffield Scientific School, and the Professor of Military Science, detailed by the War Department,... and to authorize the above officers as a University Emergency Committee, to make regulations in accordance with the provisions of the memorandum."
Apr 12 1917 University mass meeting in Woolsey Hall to explain plans made for military drill and instruction in the University.
Aug 23 1917 The Yale Mobile Hospital Unit under command of Dr. Joseph Marshall Flint, Professor of Surgery, sailed for France.
Jul 5 1918 Death of John William Sterling (B.A. 1864).  Mr. Sterling's will provided a bequest "to the use and for the benefit of Yale University."  Funds appropriated for endowment and buildings by the Trustees of his Estate 1921-1937 exceeded $40,000,000.
Aug 1 1918 The Yale Army Laboratory School established under the direction of Colonel Charles Franklin Craig, M.C., U.S.A. (M.D. 1894).  More than one thousand officers and enlisted men served at this station.
Sep 7 1918

"Voted, to authorize the President and Treasurer to proceed with the preparation of contracts satisfactory to the Government for the establishment of a branch of the Students' Army Training Corps at Yale University."

"Voted, that the Naval Committee appointed by the Yale Corporation be disbanded... and that the powers of the committee be transferred to the Superintendent and the Commandant of the Yale Naval Training Unit...."

Dec 16 1918 Voted "that in the opinion of the Corporation, the reasons which led to the establishment and maintenance of a course of 'Selected Studies in language, literature, history and Natural and Social Sciences' under the administration of the Faculty of the Sheffield Scientific School are no longer valid."
Mar 26 1919 The Connecticut General Assembly granted Yale-in-China authority to confer degrees.
Oct 2 1919  Convocation to honor Cardinal Mercier.
1919-1920 University reorganization through the Corporation's Committee on Educational Policy and the Alumni Committee on Plan for University Development.


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