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Google Analytics at Yale: How to Add Google Analytics Checklist

This is a description

Installing Google Analtyics in the Vendor Product

There are two methods to use. 

If you have a customized header where you can insert code, you can install your GA code there. 

  1. Go to your Google Analytics account and access the Admin section. Once in Admin go into Properties.
  2. You should have upgraded your account to Universal. If not, look for instructions on Analytics to do the upgrade.
  3. In Tracking Info you will find the text you need to copy into the header of your discovery system.

Google Analytics Admin section with ProertiesSelect the Property where you will track this resource.

If you cannot insert this code, you may be able to enter your Google Analytics Tracking ID in your Admin module. Where you do this will depend on the product. If you cannot find where to enter the code, ask your vendor rep. 

The Tracking Code will look like UA-99999999-1 The 8 digits after the dash are the account number, and the digit after the second dash represents the property. 

Internal Resource

You will add the GA code to the header of your web pages.

Configure Google Analytics

You will need to create a View.

In GA, create new view

Configure the settings.

If the site offers search, add the parameters. To find them run searches and examine the URL.

Set up filters.

Do you have an easily identfiable set of staff IP's you wish to exclude? Enter them as an exclude filter.

Check that data are being gathered.

Getting Started

If your library is offering a discovery system you probably want to know something about how your patrons are using it. Google Analytics is a great tool for doing this, but to get this data you must have Google Analytics turned on and configured properly. It's a pretty straightforward process and this page tells you how to get started.

Create a View and Filter

Once your tracking code is inserted in the product you are ready to create a View that will make it easy to see the data for your library resource.

Best practice is to keep an unfiltered view of your Google Analytics account. make sure you have a "master" view with no filters.

Create a new view that will only show you data for this resource. Note that Google Analytics gathers data from the time you add the tracking code, and cannot go back in time to gather any data from the past. 

Make a note of when you start this view. Give the view a name, probably something like NameofResource.

You'll want a filter that will only show you data for this resource. 

Go into filters.and add a filter.

Once in filters you may create a Predefined or Custom filter. A Predefined filter should work.

Include only

Traffic to Hostname

Select expression "that begin with" and enter hostname that starts all the URL's for this service.

As an example, at Yale the Summon service always starts This is the expression used to create the filter for the view of the Yale Summon instance.

Subject Guide

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Sarah Tudesco
Program Director
Assessment & User Experience Research
Sterling Memorial Library
176G, Digital Humanities Lab
(203) 432-4442