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Springshare Implementations at Yale: Libcal

Best practices and standards for Yale's subject guides, libanalytics, libcal and libanswers.

Getting Started

Information from Springshare


Add a Group of Rooms to Libcal

  • Create a group of rooms, typically rooms which are together in a library or building. Go to the tab labelled Room Bookings.
  • Choose Settings.
  • Go to the area marked Create a New Group.
  • Enter a descriptive group name. This name will display on in the Room Bookings Box.
  • Leave Room Visibility private until you are ready to have the rooms live. You can make the rooms visible when you are done with all settings and the schedule of availability.
  • Fill out the remaining options, according to the rules you want to follow.
  • Create a friendly URL, which will make it easy to link to the page for booking the rooms.
  • Enable public nicknames. Explain the importance oand what this is in the booking form. This name will display to the pbulic.
  • We recommend you limit email address submissions to Yale accounts.  At the last option type for allowable email domain name.
  • Save the Group Settings.
  • The Settings page will redisplay. 
  • Add each room needed in the Group you have just created. 

For each room

  • Describe the approximate size of the room by indicating number of seats available, and what type of table, if any.
  • Describe briefly the equipment in the room (computers, LCD screen, wireless access, etc.)
  • Upload a photo to Libcal. The maximum height and width is 200 pixels and acceptable formats are .gif, jpg, or png.


Add room times and availability

You will need to set up the hours of time when the rooms in the Group you just set up are available. You will want to set availability for the next few months, or a semester. This will allow patrons to book rooms in advance.

Scheduling gets complicated. Gather information about hours the room will be available, including dates where the library may be open less hours. 

  • Go to the Room Availability section of the Room Bookings area.
  • Choose your Group from the drop down menu.
  • If your room will be available set hours for more than one week, use the Repeated setting.
  • Choose the days of the week you will now enter. Only choose those days with the same hours.
  • Pick the start and end days.
  • Pick the start and end time of day.
  • If you mak a mistake you can delete blocks of time by clicking on a time slot. There is also a bulk delete option.


Your Schedular

Sign Examples

Sign Elements

  • The friendly URL for booking the room.
  • The QR code (available from Libcal in Room Bookings, under Room Availability).
  • Tell people how to get help, e.g. at the Info Desk, via email, and or list an email. 

Note: some libraries list the day's bookings in paper form. This is not required.