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Antiquity & the Premodern World at Yale Libraries: Ancient Societies Workshop

This interdisciplinary workshop serves as an important meeting ground for those who work on the ancient world at Yale, and is an important forum that allows sustained conversation over a semester or even a year about a common theme.

The Workshop

Faculty and graduate students in Near Eastern Studies, Classics, History, Religious Studies, and the Divinity School at Yale share interests in the history and civilization of the Ancient Mediterranean and Near East.

This interdisciplinary workshop serves as an important meeting ground for those who work on the ancient world at Yale, and is an important forum that allows sustained conversation over a semester or even a year about a common theme. The workshop meets once a month during the academic year. Presenters include Yale faculty and graduate students, and a few visiting professors. The chronological scope of the seminar extends over the first millennium BCE and the early centuries of the common era.


2013–14: Exchange Cultural & Economic

2012–13: Law in the Ancient World


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