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Getting Started with Proquest TDM Studio: Creating a Project

Creating a Project

The first time you log in, your project dashboard will be empty. To create a project and start your analysis, select Create New Project.



Select the data visualizations you wish to include in your project. Both visualizations are selected by default. To deselect a visualization, Uncheck on the box associated with it. When you have selected the data visualizations to include in your project select Next: Search Content to create your search.

Enter the terms you are interested in researching and select the search icon. You can use symbols (e.g. “ “ for exact match or * as truncation) or common search words (e.g. AND, OR, NOT) to add precision to your search. TDM Studio has the same search capabilities as the ProQuest Platform. To find out more see the Platform search tips in the ProQuest Platform LibGuide.

The refine content page shows the number of documents your search retrieved and provides a sample of the articles. Data visualizations in TDM Studio searches up to 10 newspaper titles depending on your library’s subscriptions. The following titles will be included if your library subscribes to them:

  • Chicago Tribune
  • The Globe and Mail
  • The Guardian
  • Los Angeles Times
  • New York Times
  • South China Morning Post
  • Sydney Morning Herald
  • The Times of India
  • Wall Street Journal
  • The Washington Post

In addition to the newspaper titles the ProQuest Dissertation and Thesis database is also available if your library subscribes to it.

If your search returns more than 10,000 documents, there will be a notification that you need to refine your result set until it is equal to or fewer than 10,000 documents. You can either refine your search terms or apply filters, such as a date range, to bring the result set under 10,000 documents.



Options for filtering datasets:

  • Uncheck the box associated with a publication title to deselect
  • Enter a date range in date published filter and select Apply Filters
  • Select specific document types (e.g. only news articles) and select Apply Filters



Once you have a result set that is fewer than 10,000 documents select the Next: Review project to move to the final step of creating your project.


To create your project, enter a name and select Create Project




After viewing the project submission message, you will be returned to the Visualization dashboard while your analysis is created. It will take approximately 15 minutes for the project to be available for viewing but the length of time depends on the analysis type and the number of documents in your project.