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AFAM 162 | AMST 162 | HIST 187: Black History from Emancipation to the Present: List of ProQuest Historical Newspapers

This research guide is intended for students in their research projects for the course Black History from Emancipation to the Present, taught by Professor Elizabeth Hinton during Spring term 2024 at Yale University.

ProQuest Historical Newspapers

The following is a title list of all of the historical newspapers from ProQuest to which the Yale Library provides access; the African American newspapers in the collection are highlighted:

The American Hebrew & Jewish Messenger (1857-1922)
The American Israelite (1854-2000)
The Arizona Republican (1890-2007)
The Atlanta Constitution (1868-1984)
The Atlanta Daily World (1931-2003)
The Austin American Statesman (1871-1980)
The Baltimore Afro-American (1893-1988)
The Baltimore Sun (1837-1994)
The Boston Globe (1872-1988)
Chicago Defender (1909-1975)
Chicago Tribune (1849-1997)
Chinese Newspapers Collection (multiple titles, 1832-1953)
The Christian Science Monitor (1908-2006)
The Cincinnati Enquirer (1841-2009)
Cleveland Call and Post (1934-1991)
Communist Historical Newspaper Collection (multiple titles, 1919-2013)
Dayton Daily News (1898-1922)
Detroit Free Press (1831-1999)
The Globe and Mail (1844-2016)
The Guardian and Observer (1791-2003)
Hartford Courant (1764-1994)
Indianapolis Star (1903-2004)
The Irish Times and the Weekly Irish Times (1859-2018)
The Jerusalem Post (1932-2008)
The Jewish Advocate (1905-1990)
The Jewish Exponent (1887-1990)
Leftist Historical Newspapers
Los Angeles Sentinel (1934-2005)
Los Angeles Times (1881-1996)
Louisville Courier Journal (1830-2000)
Michigan Chronicle (1939-2010)
Minneapolis Star Tribune (1867-2001)
Montreal Gazette (1857-2010)
The Nashville Tennessean (1812-2002)
Newsday (1940-1991)
New York Amsterdam News (1922-1993)
New York Times (1851-2016)
New York Tribune (1841-1922)
New York Tribune / Herald Tribune (1841-1962)
Norfolk Journal and Guide (1916-2003)
The Philadelphia Inquirer (1860-2001)
Philadelphia Tribune (1912-2001)
The Pittsburgh Courier (1911-2002)
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (1786-2003)
San Francisco Chronicle (1865-1922)
The Scotsman (1817-1950)
South China Morning Post (1903-2000)
St. Louis Post-Dispatch (1874-2003)
St. Petersburg Times / Tampa Bay Times (1901-2009)
The Times of India (1838-2010)
Toronto Star (1894-2018)
The Wall Street Journal (1889-2002)
The Washington Post (1877-2003)