A Dictionary for the Modern Conductor by Emily Freeman BrownCall Number: Music Library, SML, Reference ML102 C746 B87+
ISBN: 9780810884007
Publication Date: 2015-08-20
A concise reference tool that brings together definitions of key musical terms, translated foreign terms, examples of usage from orchestral music, and practical vocabulary in multiple languages. Includes biographies of major conductors and other individuals; information on major orchestras, significant ensembles, key institutions and organizations; and practical entries covering baton and rehearsal techniques, bowing terms, information about instruments, voice types and much more. In a series of appendixes, also covers such topics as orchestral works that changed the art and practice of conducting, a short historiography of conducting, a comprehensive bibliography, a look at conducting recitative, and a list of pitches, interval names, rhythmic terms, orchestral and percussion instrument names, and finally translations of all of these categories of information into French, German, Italian, and Spanish.