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Yale Today's Hours: Off-campus accessSearch

Free Full Text Biomedical Literature: Before you leave Yale

Advice about finding full text of biomedical literature without a university affiliation

Develop advanced literature searching skills

Take full advantage of the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library while you're still a Yale affiliate. We can consult with you on projects, including systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and curriculum redesigns. We offer in-person workshops throughout the year, and our online video tutorials are available 24/7.

Sign up for a workshop

Browse our video tutorials (the systematic searching series is especially great)

Find the librarian for your department

Find your personal librarian (YSM students)

Set up your citation manager

You can add batches PDFs to your citation manager, like EndNote or Zotero, before you leave Yale. After you leave, the PDFs will still be there.

Learn about citation managers at