Today's Hours: Off-campus accessSearch
This guide describes major resources used to locate materials on psychological or behavioral instruments as related to the health sciences. Please note tests can also be referred to as inventories, measurements, psychometric tests, questionnaires, scales, surveys, and tools.
Finding the full test or its related literature is not always easy and often requires checking several resources including directories, textbooks, theses, and databases.
The resources described in this guide may help you find and acquire the actual test instrument or locate the literature that discusses the use and validity of the test.
Sometimes it may be necessary to contact the author or creator of the test to gain access. Often a professional credential is required to administer the test.
Psychological tests are standardized measures of a particular psychological variable.
Tests can be purchased commercially or unpublished tests can be found in the literature using one of several resources.
Use this search string to locate a tests or measure:
(assessment* OR checklist* OR instrument* OR inventor* OR measure* OR questionnaire* OR scale* OR score* OR survey* OR test OR tests OR tool*)
Add this search string to find validated and reliable tests or measures:
(psychometric* OR reliability OR reliabl* OR validate OR validation OR validity) AND (assessment* OR checklist* OR instrument* OR inventor* OR measure* OR questionnaire* OR scale* OR score* OR survey* OR test OR tests OR tool*)
For a more robust search filter, check out this article:
Terwee CB, Jansma EP, Riphagen II, de Vet HC. Development of a methodological PubMed search filter for finding studies on measurement properties of measurement instruments. Qual Life Res. 2009;18(8):1115-1123. doi:10.1007/s11136-009-9528-5
Psychometric Properties: The following was created for a routine (non-exhaustive) [PubMed] search [taken from this page]:
("Psychometrics"[Mesh] OR psychometric* OR valid* OR reliab* OR responsiv* OR interpretab* OR “measurement error*” OR “error of measurement*” OR “errors of measurement*” OR consistency OR “factor analys*” OR “factor structure” OR “item analys*” OR “item response” OR “item functioning” OR “component analys*” OR “measurement invariance” OR “test construction” OR sensitivity OR specificity OR “statistical rotation” OR “oblique rotation” OR “orthogonal rotation” OR “varimax rotation” OR “split half” OR “test retest” OR interrater OR “inter rater” OR intrarater OR “intra rater” OR “known groups technique” OR stability OR equivalence OR “intraclass correlation coefficient*” OR “intra-class correlation coefficient*” OR icc OR kappa OR “coefficient of correlation” OR “coefficients of correlation” OR “correlation coefficient*” OR “pearson product moment” OR “spearman rho” OR “minimal detectable difference” OR “minimal detectable change”)