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John Cage Materials at Yale: OHAM Materials


Date: undated
Interviewer: Perlis, Vivian 
Location: Unknown
Description: Short interview with Cage. Item also includes spots with Eubie Blake, Aaron Copland and Nadia Boulanger. In Cage's interview he discusses the art of composing and what it is to be a composer. He also talks about how ideas from Zen Buddhism might possibly be applied to composition.
Transcribed: No  
Call number/s: MR 21

Date: 1975 December 19 (a-d), 1976 August 1 (e-f), 1976 August 24 (g-h)
Interviewer: Perlis, Vivian 
Location: New York, N.Y. 
Description: Extensive interview with Cage conducted over three sessions. See Table of Contents
Transcribed: Yes  
Call number/s:  OHV 41 a-h

Date: 1975 October 14 
Interviewer: Weber, William 
Location: Unknown
Transcribed: No
Call number/s:  OHV 41 aa-dd 

Date: 1976 April 27
Interviewer: Perlis, Vivian  
Location: Yale University, New Haven, C.T.
Description: Interview with Cage during an American Studies Class at Yale University. See Table of Contents.  
Transcribed: Yes (except for post interview question and answer session)
Call number/s: OHV 41 x-y

Date: 1977 May 26 
Interviewer: Perlis, Vivian; other unknown
Location: Brooklyn, N.Y.
Description: Interview with Cage as part of a seminar.  See Table of Contents.
Transcribed: No
Call number/s: OHV 41 z

Date: 1978 October
Interviewer: Unknown
Location: Amherst, M.A.
Description:  Symposium entitled The University and the Arts. Are they compatible? John Cage, Merce Cunningham, Robert Creely, Morton Feldman, Robert Buck.
Transcribed: No
Call number/s:  MR c80

Date: 1984 March 4 or 1984 April 10 
Interviewer: Perlis, Vivian; Miller, Allan
Location: Cage's home, New York, N.Y.
Description: Cage discusses ideas for film, rocks, chance operations, time, and more. See Table of Contents. Date discrepancy is due to two different dates being noted on the duplicate of this source. 
Transcribed: Yes
Call number/s:  OHV 41 ccc-ddd

Date: 1984 April 18 
Interviewer: Perlis, Vivian; Miller, Allan
Location: Unknown (Possibly Cage's home in France)
Description: Pre-filming discussions for I have nothing to say and I am saying itSee Table of Contents
Transcribed: Yes
Call number/s: OHV 41 lll-mmm

Date: 1984 April 18
Interviewer: Perlis, Vivian
Location: Alexina Duchamp's garden, France
Description: Captured for  I have nothing to say and I am saying itSee Table of Contents. See OHV V41j, Reels 1-2 for video of reel vv from this interview. 
Transcribed: Yes
Call number/s:  OHV 41 uu-xx

Date: 1984 April 25 
Interviewer: Perlis, Vivian; Miller, Allan
Location: Cage's home, New York, N.Y.
Description: More discussion about filming for  I have nothing to say and I am saying itSee Table of Contents.
Transcribed: Yes
Call number/s:  MR 64 a-c

Date: 1984 September 24 
Interviewer: Grimes, Ev
Location: New York, N.Y.
Description:  Interview as part of doctoral dissertation.  See Table of Contents.
Transcribed: Yes 
Call number/s:  OHV 41 ff

Date: 1985 March 13 
Interviewer: Page, Timothy 
Location: New York, N.Y.
Description: Interview on WYNC as part of a series entitled Meet the composer. See Table of Contents
Transcribed: No
Call number/s: OHV 41 nnn

Date: circa 1986
Interviewer:  Unknown
Location: France
Description: Cage and cameraman look over the camera equipment to be used to film Chess Piece in I have nothing to say and I'm saying it.  Cameraman explains the features of the camera, and Cage explains his system of making changes by using a table of random numbers.  Video also available, see OHV V41 a, reels 1-2.
Transcribed: Yes (under OHV V41 a, reels 1-2)
Call number/s:   OHV 41 ggg

Date: 1986 October 4 
Interviewer: Perlis, Vivian
Location: New York, N.Y.
Description: Captured for  I have nothing to say and I am saying it. Three way interview between Cage, Perlis and Donald (Surname unknown) - the video editor for Cage's Chess Piece used in the film.
Transcribed: Yes (tt only)
Call number/s:  OHV 41 rr-tt

Date: 1987 March 29 
Interviewer: Ivashkin, Alexander
Location: New York, N.Y.
Transcribed: No
Call number/s: OHV 41 gg

Date: 1987 June 21 
Interviewer: Duffie, Bruce 
Location: N/A
Description: Telephone Interview
Transcribed: Yes
Call number/s: OHV 41 qqq

Date: 1989
Interviewer: Dickinson, Peter
Location: Unknown
Description: Interview as part of  a BBC Radio documentary entitled John Cage: Inventor of Genius. 
Transcribed: No
Call number/s: OHV 41 hh-ii

Date: 1989 September 30 and 1989 October 1
Interviewer: Harriot, Esther
Location: Cage's home, New York, N.Y. 
Transcribed: No
Call number/s: OHV 41 nn-qq (nn-oo 9/30/89; pp-qq 10/1/89)

Date: 1991 November 15 
Location: Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Description:  Copy of a radio program produced by American Public Radio to celebrate the Library of Congress' Cagefest on 11/15/91. At this event Cage discussed his career over the past 50 years and presented a new work for violin and piano, Two4, commissioned by the Library's McKim Fund. The radio program appears to have been broadcast sometime after Cagefest.  It includes interviews with John Cage, Dennis Russell Davies, and Vivian Perlis. Hosted by Rich Kleinfeldt, host of the radio series Concerts from the Library of Congress at the time. Includes performances of three other works from Cagefest;  Composed Improvisation, Two,  and Five. Also included is Cage's work for radio, Ryoanji. 
Transcribed: No
Call number/s:  MR c62

Date: 1960 May 3 
Location: New York, N.Y.
Description: Lecture at The Juilliard School
Call number/s: OHV 41 jj-kk 

Date: 1977 January 14
Location: Los Angeles, C.A.
Description: Pre - concert lecture by Cage before the Los Angeles Premiere of Renga. Item also includes various audience members reactions after the premiere performance. 
Call number/s: OHV 41 k

Date: 1987 September 
Location: Los Angeles, C.A. 
Description: Other People Think, at the Los Angeles Festival 
Call number/s: OHV 41 ooo

Date: 1987 September 
Location: Los Angeles, C.A.
Description:  Preface to the Lecture on the Weather,  From the Los Angeles Festival. See Table of Contents
Call number/s:   OHV 41 ppp

Date: 1990
Location: Harvard College, Cambridge, M.A.
Description:  Reading of Mesostic IV. Recording distributed in 1990 by the President and fellows of Harvard College. 
Call number/s:   OHV 41 ll-mm

Date: 1990
Location: Harvard UniversityCambridge, M.A.
Description:  Question and answer session at Harvard University, conducted as part of the documentary I have nothing to say and I am saying it.  
Call number/s:   OHV 41 jjj-kkk

Date: 1976 September 30
Location: Boston, M.A.
Description: Renga (Boston Premiere)
Call number/s:  OHV 41 i 1-7

Date: circa 1976 November 2 - 4
Location: New York, N.Y.
Description: Renga (New York Premiere)
Call number/s:   OHV 41 j 1-2

Date: 1978 January 13
Location: Union College, Schenectady, NY.
Description: Radio broadcast entitled An Appreciation: A Concert of the Works of John Cage. Works performed include Amores; for prepared piano and three percussion players, and Concert; for piano and orchestra, both of which are broadcast in full during this program. The broadcast also includes extracts from a rehearsal led by Cage the day preceding the concert. Additional remarks by Cage during this program are taken from a talk the composer gave during the afternoon of the concert. The program was produced by WNYTFM in Schenectady, NY. The date for this item is based on the concert. Broadcast date unknown. 
Call number/s:   OHV 41 ee

Date: 2011
Location: Broadcast on the London radio station Resonance104.4 FM
Description: Radio broadcast from the series "Music By My Friends," in which Tom Johnson talks about the composers he has known and lets us hear his favorite scores written by them. In this program Johnson discusses how Cage remembered his beginnings when he was an accompanist for modern dance classes, as was Johnson 30 years later, and how he wrote his last music, the “number pieces.”
Transcribed: No  
Call number/s: MBMF 4 a


Date: June 30th, 2014
Location: Weston, Connecticut
Interviewee: Vivian Perlis
Interviewer: Libby Van Cleve
Description: Vivian Perlis, founder of OHAM, was interviewed about her experiences with John Cage by Libby Van Cleve
Transcribed: Yes
Call number/s: OHV 287 l-q


Date: 1978 October 12
Interviewer: Harriot, Esther
Location: Buffalo, N.Y.
Description:  Conversations in the Arts at SUNY Buffalo
Transcribed: No
Call number/s:  OHV v41

Date: 1984 April 18
Interviewer: Perlis, Vivian
Location: Alexina Duchamp's garden, France. 
Description:  See Table of Contents OHV 41 uu-xx (reel vv only). This is video represents just one part of a larger interview.  Audio of the complete interview is available, see OHV 41uu-xx
Transcribed: Yes
Call number/s:  OHV V41j, Reels 1-2

Date: circa 1986
Interviewer:  Unknown
Location: France
Description: Cage interviewed by the cameraman for the Chess Piece filming, conducted as part of I have nothing to say and I'm saying it.  Audio only copy also available, see OHV 41 ggg 
Transcribed: Yes
Call number/s:   OHV V41a, reels 1-2

Date: 1983
Interviewee: Ono, Yoko
Interviewer: Perlis, Vivian
Location: Unknown
Description: Interview for I have nothing to say and I am saying it
Transcribed: Yes
Call number/s:  OHV v41 c

Date: undated
Interviewee: Tudor, David
Interviewer:  Unknown
Location: Unknown
Description: Interview for I have nothing to say and I am saying it
Transcribed: No
Call number/s:  OHV v41 b, Reels 1-2

Date: undated
Interviewee: Anderson, Laurie
Interviewer:  Unknown
Location: Unknown
Description: Interview for I have nothing to say and I am saying it
Transcribed: No
Call number/s:  OHV v41 d, Reels 1-2

Date: 1983 November 21 (sic)
Location: Various
Description: These tapes are marked John Cage Trailer, presumably for I have nothing to say and I'm saying it. However, this is somewhat confusing as the film was not released until 1990 and this item is labelled 11/21/1983. The reason for this date is therefore unknown. The item consists of the various performance extracts of Cage's works from I have nothing to say and I'm saying it
Call number/s:   OHV V41 m

Date: circa 1986
Location: France
Description: John Cage in the forest collecting mushrooms. Rushes from I have nothing to say and I'm saying it .
Call number/s:   OHV V41 k