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Preservation and Conservation at Yale University Library: Preservation Week

Guide to the activities, policies and general information about the Preservation & Conservation Services Department at the Yale University Library

Welcome to Preservation Week!


About the American Library Association's Preservation Week

Since its founding by ALA in 2005, Preservation Week has been celebrated as a time where we encourage our cultural institutions to connect our communities through events, activities, and resources that highlight what we can do to preserve our personal and shared collections. 

ALA's Preservation Week website has a variety of information and resources available for free that focus on a variety of collection types - it's not just for library materials!

To supplement ALA's website, Yale Library's Preservation and Conservation Services Department has gathered resources and webinars for you to enjoy during Preservation Week or anytime! Suggestions to add to our LibGuide? Please send to Tara Kennedy.

This Year's Preservation Week

Preservation and Conservation Services LibGuides