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GLBL 7140: Development in Crisis (Fall 2024; Prof. Engerman): Archival material used in October 2, 2024 session


This course guide is intended to assist students in their research projects for GLBL 7140: Development in Crisis  taught by Professor David Engerman in Fall 2024 at Yale University. The following entries highlight the archival collection materials used in the class session held in the Gates Classroom at Sterling Memorial Library on Wednesday, October 2, 2024. Information on Finding the Gates Classroom is here.

Additionally, the following online guides will assist you in using Yale's special collections and finding primary sources for your research project.

Library Contacts

Students in GLBL 7140 should feel free to contact any of the following librarians as a starting point for research assistance with their projects for this course.

  • Joshua Cochran: Curator, American History and Diplomacy, Beinecke Library
  • Scott Libson: Special Collections Librarian, Yale Divinity School

Chester Bowles Papers (MS 628)

Link to the finding aid for this collection in Archives at Yale

Overview: The papers consist of correspondence, speeches, writings, photographs, clippings, oral history interviews, and other material documenting the personal life and professional career of Chester Bowles. Bowles' political career in Connecticut and his service as ambassador to India are detailed, as is his work as a foreign policy advisor, chairman of the Democratic Platform Committee at the 1960 national convention, and author and speaker on political affairs.

Collection materials used in class session:

  • Part III, Box 115: Writings and Speeches
  • Part VII, Box 345: Memoranda, notes, and Reports on Economic Development
  • Part VII, Box 348: Materials on Family Planning and Agriculture

George A. Dudley Papers (MS 1861)

Link to the finding aid for this collection in Archives at Yale

Overview: The papers are comprised of writings, drafts, research and topical files, notes, correspondence, clippings, articles, reports, proposals, and other documents relating to the career of architect and planner George A. Dudley, who oversaw the development and construction of many large-scale projects, such as campuses for the State University of New York and mass housing programs in Latin America, the Middle East, and India. The collection includes records produced and collected by Dudley when he worked both domestically and internationally as an architect, planner, administrator, and consultant, as well as materials relating to Dudley’s book, A Workshop for Peace: Designing the United Nations Headquarters (1994), based on Dudley’s experience in 1947 working on the U.N. Headquarters under architect Wallace K. Harrison.

Collection materials used in class session:

  • Accession 2006-M-026, Box 9: Abu Nuwaz Development Project (Iraq)
  • Accession 2006-M-026, Box 30: Correspondence with USAID
  • Accession 2006-M-026, Box 40: Reports and correspondence on Abu Nuwaz Project

Douglas Ensminger Papers (MS 1315)

Link to the finding aid for this collection in Archives at Yale

Overview: The papers consist of oral history transcripts, 1971-1972, covering Ensminger's years in India, 1951-1970, as representative for the Ford Foundation. The papers also include unpublished reports and memos concerning India, 1952-1982.

Collection materials used in class session: ​​​​​​

  • Accession 1983-M-011, Box 1: Various reports on development, especially India
  • Accession 1983-M-011, Box 2: Various records of Ford Foundation, mostly India
  • Series II, Box 7: Published reports on development ca. 1970


James Gustav Speth Papers (MS 2068)

Link to the finding aid for this collection in Archives at Yale

Overview:  James Gustave Speth (1942-) is a lawyer, activist, author, and advocate for the environment. The James Gustave Speth Papers consist of Speth’s professional papers from 1977 to 2000 and cover the bulk of his career in environmental law, as well as his service as a fellow in research and innovation organizations.

Collection materials used in class session:

  • Series V, Box 56: Records of UNDP Executive Committee

William S. Gaud Papers (MS 941)

Link to the finding aid for this collection in Archives at Yale

Overview: Correspondence, diary, speeches, Yale memorabilia, and papers relating to his service as an administrator with the U.S. Agency for International Development (1961-1969) in the Near East and South Asia. The most important papers are his letters to his wife, speeches, diary and other papers documenting his military service in Asia, 1943-1945. Other letters to his wife describe trips to Japan in 1955 and 1956. Included also are two oral history interviews made for the Kennedy and Johnson presidential libraries, 1966 and 1971.

Collection materials used in class session:

  • Box 3: Speeches

Robert Triffin Papers (MS 874)

Link to the finding aid for this collection in Archives at Yale

Overview: Correspondence, reports, writings, lectures, and clippings relating to Robert Triffin's career as an economist and professor of economics at Yale University, including material on European monetary systems and banking, and financial missions around the world. Main topics include: International Monetary Fund, European Payments Union, European Economic Community, O.E.E.C, international liquidity and monetary reform, economic conditions in Europe and Latin America, problems with the U.S. dollar, gold and sterling, exchange rates and the unit of account. Files on Triffin's financial missions abroad for the U.S. government are divided by country. They cover Missions to Latin America, Missions to Western Europe and Japan. The Mission to Iran is well documented and includes folders on the nationalization of the oil industry and the oil negotiations, 1951-1952. Also present are the files on the ECAFE Missions to Asia on the Asian Payments Union. Beginning as almost a complete folder by folder listing, the preliminary inventory grows more general after Box 20. The material in the last boxes arrived in a less organized state and should be checked by researchers if it bears upon their topic. Little rearrangement of the contents of the papers has been done.

Collection materials used in class session:

  • Box 6: Mission to Iran

TechnoServe Records (MS 2083)

Link to the finding aid for this collection in Archives at Yale

Overview: The collection documents Technoserve's efforts to combat poverty in the developing world. The papers consist of administrative files, records from Technoserve presidents Edward P. Bullard and Peter Reiling, files and grant information related to Technoserve's work in Africa, Asia, and the Americas, and newsletters.

Collection materials used in class session:

  • Series II, Boxes 30-31: Administrative records on work for USAID
  • Series II, Box 55: Kenya

United Mission to Nepal (RG 212) Divinity School

Link to the finding aid for this collection in Archives at Yale

Overview: This record group represents the official archives of The United Mission to Nepal, a Christian INGO working exclusively in Nepal since 1954 . The UMN has sought to bring medical services, education, skills training, engineering, industry, hydro power development, agriculture and rural development to Nepal, mainly in the central and western development regions of the country.

Collection materials used in class session:

  • Box 27: Industrial work, Capital Projects, Board notes
  • Box 47: Economic Development Materials
  • Box 131: Correspondence Reports from Executive Directors Office

Yale Economics Department Records (RU422)

Link to the finding aid for this collection in Archives at Yale

Overview: The records consist of reports, correspondence, minutes, and memoranda documenting faculty appointments, committees, budgets, and students in the Yale Department of Economics and the Economic Growth Center. Also included are grade books of Professor Fred R. Fairchild, 1904-1945.

Collection materials used in class session:

  • Accession 1989-A-095: Records on found of the Economic Growth Center

Yale Economic Growth Center Records (RU 474)

Link to the finding aid for this collection in Archives at Yale

Overview: The records consist of reports, correspondence, minutes, and memoranda documenting faculty appointments, committees, budgets, and students in the Yale Department of Economics and the Economic Growth Center. Also included are grade books of Professor Fred R. Fairchild, 1904-1945.

Collection materials used in class session:

  • Accession 19ND-A-157, Box 1: Reports, Meeting Minutes, and Memos

L. Paul Bremer III Papers (MS 2123)

Link to the finding aid for this collection in Archives at Yale

Overview: The collection documents the career of L. Paul Bremer III in the United States State Department and his work in the private sector. The bulk of material in the collection centers on Bremer's tenure as administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq from May 2003 until June 2004. This material includes subject files, correspondence with his family, contemporaneous notes, speeches, and his daily schedules while in Iraq. Material related to the writing of his 2006 memoir, My Year in Iraq, is also part of the collection. Additional material including editorials, interviews, working papers, and notes provide insight into United States foreign relations during the final decade of the Cold War and the global war on terrorism.

Collection materials used in class session:

  • Series III, Box 13: Correspondence with Frances Bremer and Family (January 2004)
  • Series III, Box 19: Iraq relief and reconstruction fund
  • Series III, Box 40: Iraq quality of life report/survey (United States Agency for International Development)

Donald Lyman Papers (GEN MSS 2122)

Link to the finding aid for this collection in Archives at Yale

Overview: This collection contains diary entries, memos, calendars, and other papers created by, or related to, Donald Lyman. Materials also include a sixty-five page diary documenting Lyman's work in Mexico as Special Assistant to U. S. Ambassador John Gavin and Acting Deputy Chief of Mission from 1981-1984.

Collection materials used in class session:

  • Box 1: Diaries

George A. Silver Papers (MS 1002)

Link to the finding aid for this collection in Archives at Yale

Overview: The papers consist of correspondence, speeches, reports, and other writings, which chiefly relate to George Silver's service as deputy assistant secretary of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, as an executive associate at the National Urban Coalition, and as professor of public health at Yale University. The papers document Silver's concern for the quality and costs of medical care in the United States and in developing countries and his focus on comprehensive health care planning. He also published numerous articles and lectured widely in the United States and abroad on social medicine, group practice, medical care organization, health policy, and health problems in the third world. He also served as a consultant in comprehensive health planning. The papers form part of the Contemporary Medical Care and Health Policy Collection.

Collection materials used in class session:

  • Series I (General Files), Box 9: Proposals, Career Development Program in Global Community Health, 1972

Douglas Joseph Bennet papers (MS 1433)

Link to the finding aid for this collection in Archives at Yale

Overview: The Douglas Joseph Bennet Papers consist of correspondence, notes, printed material, and clippings which document Douglas Bennet's service as chief of the Program Planning Office, Department of Information in the Office of Price Administration (OPA) and his role as an adviser and lifelong personal friend of Chester Bowles and his family. The papers include numerous exchanges between Bennet and Bowles as well as files of Bowles's correspondence with others. Subject files relate to Bennet and Bowles's work in OPA, Connecticut politics, and Bowles's tenure as ambassador to India.

Collection materials used in class session:

  • Series I (Correspondence), Box 3: Agency for International Development
  • Series II (Subject Files), Box 6: Agency for International Development