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Getting Started with Dewey: Home

About Dewey

Dewey Data Inc., often referred to as Dewey, is a research platform that provides access to third-party datasets across a variety of data categories including healthcare, management, workforce, consumer behavior, and transportation. 

All Yale University faculty, students, and researchers are eligible for access and may use the data included in their subscription, or purchase additional datasets at an academic discount.  Access to Dewey requires users to have an individual account.

Faculty and students from Yale University may request an account by registering at and following these steps:

1. Register for a Dewey account using your Yale email address

2. Your account will be upgraded once a Dewey administrator has had time to approve your request. Approval may take up to 48 hours and you’ll receive an email when approval is granted.

Please note: Dewey provides data for academic and non-commercial research purposes only. Users may not use data downloaded from Dewey for any non-academic or commercial endeavor.

Dewey Data

Yale University does not subscribe to all data that is available from Dewey, but additional datasets can be purchased at an academic discount. To view a list of what is currently available, visit Data Available at Yale.

Head of Data Services

Profile Photo
Barbara Esty
Yale University Library