No Longer Innocent by Betty BrightCall Number: Z1033.F5 B75X 2005 (LC)
ISBN: 1887123717
Publication Date: 2005-07-15
This important history of the artists book, a flourishing form which over the years has often been greeted with confusion by critics, collectors, historians, and artists, aims to spell out its role in contemporary art and to claim for it a vital and heretofore unacknowledged status since the blossoming of the artform in the 70s.~Renowned scholar and curator Betty Bright takes an inclusive view of the varied field in order to redress its marginalization, identifying three distinct types: the fine press book, the deluxe book, and the bookwork. She covers crucial supporters of the form, like New Yorks Center for Book Arts, Franklin Furnace, and the Visual Studies Workshop Press in Rochester, New York, as well as key organizations and figures in Chicago, Atlanta, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.~Bright examines how artist's books have responded to specific movements, such as Pop, Fluxus, and Conceptualism, and how the book arts own mini-art world of the 70s was shaped by seminal exhibitions, fledgling nonprofit organizations, and collectors.