Henry Carroll (History, Davenport College). Ship Shaping: How Congress and Industry Influenced U.S. Naval Acquisitions from 1933-1938
Honorable Mention: Nina Grigg (Urban Studies, Benjamin Franklin College). Surveyor: Scratching for a Wild Moon
Harvey M. Applebaum, class of 1959, is a senior counsel, specializing in international trade and antitrust law, with the Washington firm of Covington & Burling LLP and a lecturer at the University of Virginia School of Law. He is a past Chairman of the Association of Yale Alumni and the Yale Alumni Magazine board.
2023 Award Winner: Sophie E. Edelstein (History of Science, Medicine, and Public Health, Pauli Murray College). “Am I Sick or Just Discarded?”: Psychiatry, Health Care Reform, and the Rise of Geriatrics in America, 1931-1954
2022 Award Winner, tie: Joelle Besch (Global Affairs, Pierson College). An Evaluation of the UN CEDAW Individual Complaints Mechanism
2022 Award Winner, tie: Debbie Dada (African Studies and the History of Science, Medicine, and Public Health, Pierson College). Structural Violence & Small Victories: Political Epidemiology of HIV among MSM in Nigeria, 2000-2010
2021 Award Winner: Aakshi Agarwal (Political Science, Pauli Murray College). "Regulatory Agency Capture: How the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Approved the Mountain Valley Pipeline"
2021 Second Prize: Trinidad Kechkian (Environmental Studies, Pierson College). An Equitable Transformation of the Energy System: The Role of State-Level Incentives for Distributed Energy Resources
2021 Honorable Mention: Angela Xiao (History, Jonathan Edwards College). Battling Over Bargain-Hunting: Defining the American consumer through mass-consumption shopping practices, 1909-1915
2020 Award Winner: William Horvath (History, Berkeley College). The 1950s “War on Narcotics”: Harry Anslinger, The Federal Bureau of Narcotics, and Senator Price Daniel’s Probe
2020 Second Prize: Stephanie N. Higginson (History, Morse College). Against Executive-Controlled Administrative Law Judges
2019 Award Winner: Pascale Bronder (Environmental Studies, Grace Hopper College). Renewable Energy Access and Resilience in Urban Developing Areas: Distributed Solar Networks and Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading in Puerto Rico
2019 Second Prize: Seamus C. Joyce-Johnson (History, Silliman College). Its Cargo Is People: Repositioning Commuter Rail as Public Transit to Save the New York–New Haven Line, 1960–1990
2018 Award Winner: Santiago Botto Tornielli (Economics, Jonathan Edwards College). Convergence Towards an Optimal Currency Area in the European Union
2018 Second Prize: Monica Wang (History, Trumbull College). From Enemy to Family: German War Brides and U.S.-German Rapprochement, 1945-1950
2017 Award Winner: Max L.B. Cook (History, Morse College). Influence and Effectiveness in the Years of Upheaval: Winston Lord and the Policy Planning Staff from 1973 to 1977
2017 Second Prize, tie: Jonathan C. Esty (History, Davenport College). Kissinger’s Strategy in the Iraqi Kurdish Rebellion of 1972-75: False Start or Foundation of American-Kurdish Partnership?
2017 Second Prize, tie: Sarah D. Kim (History, Jonathan Edwards College). Of a Healthy Constitution: Socialized Medicine Between the Triumphs of Social Security and Medicare
2016 Award Winner: Colleen Flynn (Political Science, Timothy Dwight College). Treading the Path of Least Resistance: FDA's Regulation of the Subtherapeutic Use of Antibiotics in Animal Agriculture, 1970-2015
2016 Second Prize, tie: Devon Geyelin (American Studies, Trumbull College). The Re-Recruit: A Family History of American Media and the CIA in the First Decades of the Cold War
2016 Second Prize, tie: Julie Lowenstein (History, Trumbull College). U.S. Foreign Policy and the Soviet-Afghan War: A Revisionist History
2015 Award Winner: Anirudh Sivaram (Ethics, Politics & Economics, Calhoun College). The President’s Wartime Detention Authority: What History Teaches Us.
2015 Second Prize: Anna "Nina" Russell (Ethics, Politics, and Economics, Timothy Dwight College). Moving the Needle: How Transparency Could Lower Costs and Improve Quality in United States Hospitals.
2014 Award Winner: Nicole Hobbs (History, Ezra Stiles College). The UN and the Congo Crisis of 1960.
2013 Award Winner: Tom Stanley-Becker (Political Science, Calhoun College). Strange Bedfellows: Business, Labor, Guest Workers, and Immigration Reform in the United States, 1986-2013.
2012 Award Winner, tie: Conor Crawford (History, Calhoun College). "Missionaries of Ordered Liberty": U.S. Colonial Sponsorship of Self-Government in the Wake of the Spanish-American War, 1899-1904.
2012 Award Winner, tie: Christopher Lee (Political Science, Branford College). Cease or Persist? Gene Patents and the Clinical Diagnostics Dilemma.
2011 Award Winner: Alison Weiner, Davenport College. Yielding to Reality: Examining the Rise of a Strong "Chief of Staff" in the Kennedy, Carter, and Clinton Administrations.
2011 Second Prize: George Bogden (Political Science, Silliman College). Refugees, Statecraft, and Legitimacy: Forced Migration and Foreign Policy in the 1991 Kurdish Refugee Crisis.
2010 Award Winner: Habib Moody (Political Science, Ezra Stiles College). Estimating the Returns to Expenditures in Canadian Elections: Evidence from a Regression-Discontinuity Design.
2010 Second Prize: Avi Kupfer (History, Pierson College). “The Dictates of Sound Policy”: Contending with the Western Indians under the New American Constitution.
2009 Award Winner: Lauren Harrison (International Studies, Ezra Stiles College). Of Rice and Riots: The Effect of Food Price Increases on Political Stability in Sub-Saharan Africa.
2008 Award Winner: Stephen Fowler (History, Ezra Stiles College). Crisis and Compromise: Carter Glass, Henry Steagall, and the Story of the Banking Act of 1933.