The Biology of Cancer by Robert A. Weinberg 2nd ed. Garland Science/Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 2014 location
Essential Genetics: a genomics perspective by Daniel L. Hartl 6th ed. Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC, 2014 location
Emperor of All Maladies by Sidhartha Mukherjee 2010 location
Evolution-Adjusted Tumor Pathophysiology; the novel language of tumor biology 2013
Head and Neck Cancer: current perspectives, advances, and challenges 2013
Burkitt's Lymphoma 2013
MicroRNA Cancer Regulation: advanced concepts, bioinformatics and systems biology tools 2013
Molecular Genetics of Pancreatic Cancer 2013
Pathobiology of Cancer Regimen-Related Toxicities 2013
Pancreatic Cancer 2013
Prostate Cancer: a comprehensive perspective 2013
Prostate Cancer: biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics 2013
Philadelphia Chromosome: a mutant gene and the quest to cure cancer at the genetic level 2013 location
RNA and Cancer 2013
Lymphoma: diagnosis and treatment 2013
Cell Death Signaling in Cancer Biology and Treatment 2013
Infectious Agents and Cancer 2013
Renal Cancer: contemporary management 2013
Tamoxifen: pioneering medicine in breast cancer 2013
Cancer Genomics: molecular classification, prognosis and response prediction 2013
Human Biology by Daniel D. Chiras 8th ed. 2015 location