CAB Direct (aka CAB Abstracts)CAB Abstracts is the world's premier source for agricultural and sustainability information.
ProQuest Natural Science CollectionThe Natural Science Collection includes the Agricultural & Environmental Science Database, Biological Science Database, and Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Database and provides full-text titles from around the world including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications and more.
Environment CompleteSocial Science strength of coverage
> 2,400 journal titles (1,000 fulltext)
- full-text book coverage 200 titles
Global HealthGlobal Health is our specialist database for public health. It's smaller than PubMed, with slightly under three million records. So why search it? Because more than 40% its citations (for journal articles, reports, books, theses, and conference proceedings) are not found in PubMed. And don't be misled by the name; Global Health is global, not because it's limited to global health as a topic, but because it includes publications from a hundred countries in fifty languages (most with English abstracts). In fact, Global Health covers chronic diseases, environmental and occupational health, epidemiology and biostatistics, health systems, and more.
AGRISFAO resource for papers, data, statistics, and multimedia
PubAgPubAg is the USDA National Agricultural Library's search system for agricultural information (nutrition, food, animal and crop production, natural resources, sustainable ag, rural
development, ag economics, statistics, imports/exports)
as of May 2016 it contained 1.23 million citations (42K full-text) with intention of adding 20,000 new citations each month
USDA National Agricultural LibraryTo find materials in the National Agricultural Library. Search box is the first item under the banner.