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Gates Special Collections Classroom, Sterling Memorial Library: Finding the Gates Locker Alcove and Classroom

Information for students and faculty members on finding and using the Gates Special Collections Classroom.

Directions for Finding the Gates Locker Alcove and Classroom

The entrance to the Gates Special Collections Classroom (SML 150B) is at the back of the Linonia & Brothers (L&B) Reading Room in Sterling Memorial Library.

Finding the Linonia & Brothers (L&B) Reading Room:

  • From the main (High Street) entrance to Sterling Memorial Library: Turn right immediately after passing through the security turnstile just inside the door, pass the "Book Return" bin, and turn right again into the L&B Reading Room (Room 165).
  • From the York Street entrance to Sterling Memorial Library, the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), or elsewhere inside the building: Pass through the Nave towards the main (High Street) exit, turn left immediately before you reach the security kiosk, pass the "Book Return" bin, and turn right into the L&B Reading Room (Room 165).

►Stop by the Gates Classroom Locker Alcove first:

  • 20 lockers, reserved for those using the Gates Classroom, are in the last alcove on the left of the fireplace at the back of the L&B Room. Instructions for the use of the lockers are on the inside of each locker door.
  • Because the Gates Classroom is a secure classroom, and guests may be handling irreplaceable special collections material, all personal belongings, food, and drink must be secured in a locker prior to entering the Gates Classroom. The Gates Classroom is continuously monitored by video surveillance cameras.
  • We welcome pencils, notebooks, texts needed for a class session, laptops, and cameras in the Gates Classroom. Please silence your cell phones before entering.

►Enter the Gates Classroom:

  • When leaving the locker alcove, cross in front of the L & B Reading Room fireplace. The door to the Gates Classroom is to the right of the fireplace.


Visual Guide for Finding the Gates Locker Alcove and Classroom

Map indicating access to Gates classroom

Gates Classroom, Manuscripts and Archives, Sterling Memorial Library, Yale University