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ER&M 391/HSHM 455 Eugenics and Its Afterlives Research Guide: Collection Materials Used in Class

Note that many of the published materials included here that were published prior to 1927, or between 1927 and 1977 without a copyright statement, are in the public domain, have been digitized, and are freely available in the HathiTrust Digital Library. This link assembles all of the digitized materials available in HathiTrust that contain the keyword eugenics somewhere in their catalog record. You can also do full-text keyword searching across the digitized content in HathiTrust.

Ellsworth Huntington Papers (MS 1) - Manuscripts and Archives

Link to the online finding aid for this collection in Archives at Yale

Overview: Correspondence, writings, notes and notebooks, clippings, printed matter, which relate to Ellsworth Huntington's professional career and his activities for a number of professional organizations with which he was associated. Huntington was a geographer, a professor of Geology-Geography at Yale University, and a proponent of the controversial theory that emphasized the dominant influence of climate and eugenics on the character of civilizations. The papers also include notebooks covering his numerous field trips and ancient artifacts collected by Huntington in Chinese Turkestan.

Collection material used in class session:

Series IV. Subject Files

  • Box 27, folders 271-283: American Eugenics Society: Activities to increase membership ⇒ Conference on housing (1934-1941)
  • Box 28, folders 284-292: American Eugenics Society: Conference of experts ⇒ Correspondence, general (1924-1939)
  • Box 29, folders 293-299: American Eugenics Society: Correspondence, general ⇒ Family betterment memoranda (1934-1941)
  • Box 30, folders 300-309: American Eugenics Society: Family record forms ⇒ Policy statements and related addresses, press releases, and other propaganda (1932-1941)
  • Box 31, folders 310-323: American Eugenics Society: Population matters ⇒ Correspondence, Belknap, Chauncey (1915-1941)
  • Box 32, folders 324-337: American Eugenics Society: Correspondence, Bertheau, Rudolph ⇒ Correspondence, Folsum, Joseph (1923-1941)
  • Box 33: folders 338-350: American Eugenics Society: Correspondence, Goethe, C.M. ⇒ Correspondence, Overstreet, H.A. (1934-1939)
  • Box 34: folders 351-362: American Eugenics Society: Correspondence, Perkins, Henry ⇒ Correspondence, Winternitz, Milton (1933-1939)

Series V. Writings

  • Box 60
    • Folder 489: "The relation of health to racial capacity: the example of Mexico" (1921)
    • Folder 496: "A test of eugenics" (1922-1925)
  • Box 68
    • Folder 792: "Positive eugenics, address before the International Spanish Speaking Association of Physicians" (1940)
    • Folder 817: "Why races differ in character," notes (1923)

Robert M. Yerkes Papers (MS 569) - Manuscripts and Archives

Link to the online finding aid for this collection in Archives at Yale

Overview: Correspondence, reports, minutes of meetings, research notes, writings, photographs, diaries, and other materials documenting the professional career and personal life of Robert Mearns Yerkes. The papers document the broad range of psychological activities undertaken by Yerkes in the first half of the twentieth century. The papers contain correspondence and other materials on chimpanzee and gorilla behavior, intelligence testing in World War I, eugenics and immigration restriction, sex research under the auspices of the National Research Council's Committee for Research in Problems of Sex, research into the behavior of lower animals, and efforts to establish psychology as an experimental science. 

Collection material used in class session

Series I. Professional Correspondence

Series II. Subject Files

James Rowland Angell, President of Yale University, Records (RU 24) - Manuscripts and Archives

Link to the online finding aid for this collection in Archives at Yale

Overview: Correspondence, annual reports, memoranda, and subject files documenting James Rowland Angell's activities as president of Yale University. The records contain substantive documentation on virtually every aspect of the university's administration, its schools, departments, and other major units. The files pertaining to the founding of the School of Nursing, the Institute of Human Relations, and the residential colleges are particularly significant.

Collection material used in class session

Ross Granville Harrison Papers (MS 263) - Manuscripts and Archives

Link to the online finding aid

Overview: Correspondence, administrative and teaching files, and research materials which document the personal life and professional career of Ross Granville Harrison. Correspondence with many academic, medical, and scientific figures is included, as are the records relating to Yale University's Department of Zoology (1920-1938) and Osborn Zoological Laboratory (1919-1938). Drafts of writings, lectures and related visual materials, research files, and photographs are also arranged in the papers.

Collection material used in class session

Social Ethics Pamphlet Collection (RG 73) - Divinity Library Special Collections

Link to the online finding aid

Overview: Materials were collected or created during the period 1938-1973 by Liston C. Pope, Dean and Professor of Social Ethics at the Yale Divinity School, and his students. The collection includes pamphlets, brochures, typescripts, booklets, comic books, posters, cartoons, letters, memoranda, offprints, etc., documenting various aspects of social issues in America and throughout the world during the mid-twentieth century.

Collection material used in class session:

  • Box 14, folder 12: Eugenics Board of North Carolina brochures, circa 1954-1960.
  • Box 17, folders 7, 7A & 8: Brochures, newsletters, and other print ephemera from the Human Betterment Association of America, Human Betterment Federation, and the Human Betterment League of North Carolina, circa 1940s-1950s.

Published Material: Medical Historical Library

The following published items are from the collections of the Medical Historical Library (MHL), a special collection within the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library. These items do not circulate and must be requested and used in the MHL reading room. You'll need to make a seat reservation at least 48 hours before you come to use materials in the MHL reading room.

  • Eugenics : an illustrated journal of race betterment, devoted to all phases of the eugenics movement / published as the official organ of the American Eugenics Society, Inc. by the Galton Publishing Company, Inc..(vol. 1-4, 1928-1931) Call number: Rare per (MHL)
    • There are also circulating copies of this journal housed at LSF with the call number Nqd10 Am342e
  • A eugenics catechism / American Eugenics Society (1926) Call number: Hist HQ750 E8 1926
  • Heredity and eugenics; a course of lectures summarizing recent advances in knowledge in variation, heredity, and evolution and its relation to plant, animal and human improvement and welfare, by William Ernest Castle, John Merle Coulter, Charles Benedict Davenport, Edward Murray East, William Lawrence Tower / University of Chicago Press (1912) Call number: Hist QH366 912H (MHL)
    • There is also a circulating copy of this publication housed at LSF with the call number Sh27 163
  • Nature's secrets revealed : scientific knowledge of the laws of sex life and heredity or eugenics ; vital information for the married and marriageable of all ages ... together with important hints on social purity, heredity, physical manhood and womanhood ... by Professor T. W. Shannon ; introduced by Bishop Samuel Fallows ; medical department by W. J. Truitt / S.A. Mullikan Company (1919) Call number: Hist RC81 N37 1919

Yale Child Study Center Reference Collection (Pam Coll 11)

Link to the online finding aid for this collection in Archives at Yale

Overview: The collection consists of approximately 3,800 short published works on topics related to child welfare used by Arnold Gesell and the staff of the Yale Child Study Center as a reference collection. Topics include children and the war, day care centers (day nurseries), education, infant mortality, juvenile delinquency, intellectual disability (mental deficiency), mental health (mental hygiene), mental illness (insanity), nurseries, and nutrition. A portion of collection materials document organizations and conditions relevant to child welfare in New Haven and Connecticut. Materials in the collection include pamphlets, reprints, newsletters, newspaper clippings, and reports published between 1886 and 1958, with the bulk of materials published between 1910 and 1950. 

  • Series VII, Box 15, folders 1-33: Many of these folders of pamphlets and article reprints by Henry H. Goddard (1866-1957)--a prominent American psychologist, eugenicist, and segregationist--would be of potential interest in this course. Goddard served from 1906-1918 as director of research at the Vineland (New Jersey) Training School for Feeble-Minded Girls and Boys. See especially the following folders:
    • Folder 1: Goddard, Henry H., Heredity as a factor in the problem of the feeble-minded child. Paris: Imprimerie Chaix (Succursale B) (1910)
    • Folder 28: Goddard, Henry H., "Eugenics from the Professional Standpoint." Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey (1917)
  • Series XV, Box 85, folder 39: Robie, Theodore Russell, "Selective sterilization for race culture." A Decade of Progress in Eugenics: Scientific Papers of the Third International Congress of Eugenics, 201-209 (1932)

Published Material: Library Shelving Facility (Restricted Circulation)

The following published items are from Yale's general collections housed off-site at the Library Shelving Facility (LSF) in Hamden. These items do not circulate and must be requested and used in the Manuscripts and Archives (MSSA) reading room. You'll need to make a seat reservation at least 24 hours before you come to use materials in the MSSA reading room.

  • Eugenical News / American Eugenics Society, (vols. 1-6, 1916-1921) Call number: Nqd10 Eu3
    • Volumes 7-33 (1922-1948) of this publication are in the Yale circulating collection housed at LSF and can be requested for checkout using the same call number as above.
  • Bulletin / Eugenics Record Office, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. (vols. 1, 1911, and 27, 1928) Call number: Nqd10 Eu4e
    • In addition to these, volumes 2-13 (1911-1914) of this publication are housed at LSF, do not circulate, and can be requested for use in the MSSA reading room using the same call number as above.
    • Volumes 14-26 (1915-1928) of this publication are in the Yale circulating collection housed at LSF and can be requested for checkout using the same call number as above.

Published Material: Library Shelving Facility (Circulating Collection)

The following published items are from Yale's general collections housed off-site at the Library Shelving Facility (LSF) in Hamden. These items do circulate and you can request them for delivery to any Yale campus library pickup location.

Periodicals and offprints

  • Journal of the Society of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis / Society of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis, New York (vol. 5: no. 1-4, 1914) Call number: Nqa66 Am32d
    • The Yale Library holds scattered issues of this publication dating from 1910-1915.
  • The Eugenics Review / Published quarterly for the Eugenics Society, London (vol. 53-54, 1961-1963, and vol. 59-60, 1967-1968, includes index to vols. 1-60) Call number: Nqd10 Eu4
    • The Yale Library holds issues of this publication dating from 1919-1968.
  • Heredity and crime : a study in eugenics / William H. Carmalt / "from the advance sheets of the Transactions of the Connecticut State Medical Society" (1909). Nvn13 1 

Publications of the American Eugenics Society

  • Conditions of the awards for the best sermons on eugenics / American Eugenics Society, Committee on Cooperation with Clergymen, New Haven, Conn. (1926) Call number Nqd10 +Am342m
  • Research problems in eugenics: being a report of the Committee on Research ... / Issued by the American Eugenics Society, New Haven, Conn. (1926) Call number: Nqd10 +Am342m
  • Practical eugenics : aims and methods of the American Eugenics Society. Nqd10 +Am342m
  • List of eugenics lecturers. Nqd10 +Am342m 
  • What I think about eugenics. Nqd10 +Am342m 
  • American Eugenics Society. Nqd10 +Am342m


  • Heredity and eugenics: a course of lectures summarizing recent advances in knowledge in variation, heredity, and evolution and its relation to plant, animal and human improvement and welfare / University of Chicago Press (1912) / William E. Castle, John M. Coulter, Charles B. Davenport, Edward M. East, and William L. Tower. Sh27 163
  • Eugenics: twelve university lectures, by Morton A. Aldrich, William Herbert Carruth, Charles B. Davenport [and others] with a foreword by Lewellys F. Barker. Nqd20 914e
  • Right of the child to be well born / George E. Dawson / New York, Funk & Wagnalls Co. (1912). WB 5438 
  • Being well-born: an introduction to eugenics / Michael F. Guyer / Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill Co. (1916). Nqd22 916g
  • Social problems and social policy : principles underlying treatment and prevention of poverty, defectiveness, and criminality, edited with an introduction by James Ford / Boston, Ginn & Co. (1923) Call number: Nm46 923f