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HIST 193J Seances & Spirits: Science & the Occult in the Long 19th Century: Home

Photograph of a Ouija board

This course guide is intended to assist students in their research projects for the course Seances & Spirits: Science and the Occult in the Long 19th Century (HIST 193J), taught by Dean Murphy Temple during Spring term 2024 at Yale University. The selection of resources included in this guide is not intended to be comprehensive.

Library Contacts

Students in HIST 193J should feel free to contact any of the following librarians as a starting point for research assistance with their projects for this course.

  • Melissa Grafe: John R. Bumstead Librarian for Medical History and Head of the Medical Historical Library, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library -
  • James Kessenides: Kaplanoff Librarian for American History - 
  • Bill Landis: Teaching Librarian, Beinecke Library - 
  • Michael Printy: Librarian for Western European Humanities - 
  • Cynthia Roman: Curator of Prints, Drawings, and Paintings, Lewis Walpole Library -

Yale Library Search Tools

The main search tools for finding books, articles, databases, archival collections, and more at Yale (and beyond) can all be found on the "Find, Request, and Use" page of the library's website. Here are a few quick refreshers, but be sure to visit the page for a full overview: