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Schenkerian Analysis: Full-Text Online

This guide is an introduction to Schenkerian Analysis sources. It will help you retrieve primary and secondary sources

Websites and Resources

 The Allen Forte Archive @ University of North Texas 
Digital documents are available for download there. Please note that we have the actual Forte Papers here at Yale


Animated Schenkerian anlaysis of Schumann's Träumerei, op. 15/7 & English horn solo in Tristan's 3d act
These are flash-based rendering of the pieces' analyses.


Luciane Beduschi & Nicolas Meeùs -- Théorie et analyses schenkériennes 
An abundant number of analyses are provided by the two scholars including original analyses by Schenker (free PDFs.)


Oxford Music Online 
The Grove Music Dictionary Online has a great article on Schenker (of course!) and an extensive bibliography. This can be a great starting point to find authoritative articles about your topic.


 Schenker Documents Online  
This contains a pretty extensive list of documents relating to Schenker or written by and/or to Schenker. There are two websites with the same name (Schenker Documents Online). It is unclear if this second one duplicates the content of the first one.


Music Librarian for Reference and Instruction

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Suzanne Lovejoy
ML104, Music Library, Sterling Memorial Library
Office hours 10:00 a.m. - 6 p.m. weekdays
(203) 432-0497
Subjects: Music