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Sky, Cosmos, and Culture: Finding Books and Articles

Resources from across time and around the world related to astronomy and culture.

Electronic Information Sources: Books, Journals, Reference Works

Here are a few core ebook resources. If you want to know what we have more broadly, please search the Orbis Catalog. Once you have searched for your topic, see the facets on the right-hand side of the screen (in the blue box). The filter for Online Books and Serials limits to electronic-format works only. Adding the Books filter will remove e-journals from the results.

Video Tutorials on Using the Yale Library

Boolean It!

Boolean searching allows you to customize how you search for things in academic databases, and it's based on a few key pieces of syntax: AND, OR, NOT, (), and "". 


A Venn diagram showing that our search will only return results that have both terms in them.

When you put two terms into an academic database, AND is usually implied: You usually want both words in fluid inclusions to appear in your search results. You could just as easily write:

fluid AND inclusions

OR and ""

A Venn diagram showing that all results with either word will be in the results.

But let's say that I want to find something about extrasolar planets. However, there was a terminology change around 2007, after which people started using the term exoplanets. If I want articles from both eras, I can do the following:

exoplanets OR "extrasolar planets"

What this tells my database is that I don't care which term appears in the results. I just want one of them. In addition, I want extrasolar planets to be searched as a phrase. (This also works in Google with song lyrics.)


A search for things about women in STEM without any false positives for clinical trials.

What if I'm looking for women in STEM (science, engineering, mathematics, and technology) fields, though? Try it. You'll see a lot of resources on stem cells. This is where the NOT operator is helpful:

women stem NOT cell NOT "clinical trial" NOT "stem cells"

Of course, Google and Google Scholar work differently. Instead of NOT, use a - to make it look like this:

women stem -cell -"clinical trial" -"stem cells"

Everything and ()

Or, of course, we could do this with everything (and here parentheses signify order of operations):

women AND ("stem" OR science) NOT cell NOT "stem cells"