We use software preservation and emulation to preserve and expand access to digital collections that advance teaching, research, learning, creativity, and practice.
The Software Preservation and Emulation team is a unit within the Preservation Digital Strategies portfolio of the Preservation and Conservation Services department. Our sister units within the Preservation Digital Strategies portfolio are Digital Preservation, Media Preservation, and Preservation Imaging.
Our team participates in several Yale Library groups and activities such as Born-Digital Archives Advisory Group (BDAAG), Digital Assets Metadata Advisory Group (Meta-Digets), Yale Library Learns (YLL), Preservation Systems Advisory Group (PSAG), Web Archiving Interest Group (WAIG), and others.
Image source: RU 748, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, Manuscripts and Archives
We explore, articulate, and champion inclusive pathways for ensuring access to software-dependent histories and futures.
In addition to Yale University Library’s Staff Values, we aim to demonstrate the following guiding principles with each other and our communities:
We extend a warm welcome to join with us in practicing these principles and exploring software preservation and emulation work.
To reach the Software Preservation and Emulation team, please email: softwarepreservation@yale.edu
For inquiries about the Emulation-as-a-Service Infrastructure (EAASI) software, please email: eaasi@yale.edu
Claire Fox
Software Preservation and Emulation Librarian
Claire works to understand the needs of Yale Library collection materials as they relate to software preservation and emulation. She collaborates with colleagues at Yale and beyond to identify and implement strategies that support long-term preservation and access for software-dependent and other born-digital collection materials.
Ethan Gates
Senior Software Preservation and Emulation Technologist
Ethan provides expertise in software preservation and emulation as technical methods of preserving enduring access to digital collections and research. He translates user needs for accessing software-dependent collections into development requirements and documentation for the EAASI platform.
Wendy Hagenmaier
Head of Software Preservation and Emulation
Wendy provides vision and strategic direction for software preservation and emulation at Yale University Library, leading the library's commitment to software preservation and emulation as methods of preserving enduring access to born-digital collections for teaching and research. She oversees the EAASI development roadmap and serves in a leadership capacity with organizational partners.