Trauma and Grace: Theology in a Ruptured World by Serene JonesExplores works in the field of trauma studies. Central to its overall theme is an investigation of the myriad ways both individual and collective violence affect one's capacity to remember, to act, and to love; how violence can challenge theological understandings of grace; and even how the traumatic experience of Jesus' death is remembered.
Ecospirituality: An Introduction by Rachel WheelerCovers the background for environmentally oriented spirituality in the Christian tradition, beginning with expressions of creation care and creation degradation in the Judeo-Christian Scriptures, and moving through important moments and figures in the history of Christian spirituality.
The Holy Spirit by F. LeRon Shults; Andrea HollingsworthOutlines the major movements and figures in the historical unfolding of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, with special attention on the role of philosophical interpretation and spiritual transformation, showing how historical developments have shaped contemporary trends in pneumatology.
The Dangers of Christian Practice (Online) by Lauren F. WinnerChallenges the assumption that the church possesses a set of immaculate practices that will definitionally train Christians in virtue and that can't be answerable to their histories. Proposes that the register in which Christians might best think about the Eucharist, prayer, and baptism is that of "damaged gift." Christians go on with these practices because, though blighted by sin, they remain gifts from God.
The Sacraments by Ross ThompsonCoverage includes general ideas of sacraments and ritual, Old Testament practices, the response of Jesus and the Early Church, the growth of sacramental theology up to the Reformation and since, Baptism, Holy Communion, the rites of commitment - confirmation, ordination and marriage, and rites of restoration - healing and reconciliation.
The Eucharist and Ecumenism by George HunsingerExplores ways in which Christians might resolve their differences on Eucharistic theology. With the aim of fostering ecumenical convergence, he tackles three key issues dividing the churches about the Eucharist: real presence, Eucharistic sacrifice, and ordained ministry.
Feminist Eschatology: Embodied Futures by Emily PenningtonFeminist Eschatology seeks to think differently about Christian eschatology in light of contributions from feminist theologians, noting the numerous and varied critiques they have made of traditional models.
Dear Sisters: A Womanist Practice in Hospitality by N. Lynne WestfieldAs a Womanist scholar, Westfield reflects on the ways in which the hospitality of the group relates to the long-standing African American tradition of concealed gatherings, the Christian tradition of hospitality, and Christian education.