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Evidence-Based Mental Health: Yale Psychiatry Residency Program: Step 4: Apply

Resources for the Evidence-Based Mental Health Curriculum Yale Psychiatry residency program

PGYs Seminar Resources (Clinical Decision-Making)

Example articles:

Applying treatment data 

Warner J. P. (1999). Evidence-based psychopharmacology 1. Appraising a single therapeutic trial: what is the evidence for treating early Alzheimer's disease with donepezil?. Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England), 13(3), 308–312.

Communicating Risk

Skolbekken J. A. (1998). Communicating the risk reduction achieved by cholesterol reducing drugs. BMJ (Clinical research ed.)316(7149), 1956–1958.

Applying data from a systematic review

Warner J. P. (1999). Evidence-based psychopharmacology 2. Appraising a systematic review: is risperidone better than conventional antipsychotics in the treatment of schizophrenia?. Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England)13(4), 415–418.

Applying data on risk

Srihari, V. H., & Lee, T. W. (2008). Pulmonary embolism in a patient taking clozapine. BMJ (Clinical research ed.)336(7659), 1499–1501.

Perspective on EBM and QI

Glasziou, P., Ogrinc, G., & Goodman, S. (2011). Can evidence-based medicine and clinical quality improvement learn from each other?. BMJ quality & safety20 Suppl 1(Suppl_1), i13–i17.

Review of heterogeneity in treatment effects

Kravitz, R. L., Duan, N., & Braslow, J. (2004). Evidence-based medicine, heterogeneity of treatment effects, and the trouble with averages. The Milbank quarterly82(4), 661–687.