Here you will find a series of primary and secondary resources in English literature, African American Studies, and History that might be helpful to you as a student in Counternarratives: Black Historical Fiction. Resources are organized by tabs at the top of this page. Under each tab, you will find information about how to search for each particular type of resource, as well as a selection of frequently used resources of that type. For example, under the Electronic Databases tab, you will find both links to Yale's database search portal, as well as important resources, like the ProQuest database Black Studies Center. If you have any questions, or would like research help, please do not hesitate to use the contact information in the box below to email me or sign up for office hours!
Background or "reference" sources are a great place to start your research. Reference works include bibliographies, scholarly encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, and other sources that provide overviews of topics and suggestions for further reading.