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HIST 410: Money and Its Crimes: Special Collections at Yale

Research guide for Prof. Ogle's seminar "Money and Its Crimes: Forgers, Schemers, and Con Men"

Beinecke Library Collection Materials Consulted in September 29th Class Session

The collection materials listed below were brought to the HIST 410 class session on Thursday, September 29th. Students interested in requesting any of these materials for consultation in the Beinecke Library reading room can click on the linked call number for the relevant item to submit a request for the item. If you have questions about finding and accessing special collections materials relating to your research topic for this course, feel free to reach out by email to any of the following special collections librarians:

The secondary source referenced in the class session:

  1. Account book related to the collapse of the South Sea Company, [1721?].
  2. By a stander-by. The battle of the bubbles : shewing their several constitutions, alliances, policies, and wars : from their first suddain rise, to their late speedy decay. London, 1720.
  3. Robert Chester. The particular and inventory of Robert Chester, esq., one of the late directors of the South Sea Company, March 23, 1720 : together with the abstract of the same. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, Bernard Lintot, and William Taylor, 1721.
  4. Jacob Clyburg. Nederland in gekheit, staat en zinnespel. Op de wind negotie. [Amsterdam?] : Gedrukt voor den autheur, [1720].
  5. Eerste T'Samen-spraeck, Tusschen Waermondt ende Gaergoedt, Nopende de opkomste ende ondergang van Flora. Tot Amstelredam : Voor Cornelis Danckaertsz. Boeck Caert ende konst-verkooper in de Calver-straet, anno 1643.
  6. Het Groote Tafereel der Dwaasheid ... [Amsterdam?], 1720. Individual documents, bound in a single volume, are cataloged.
  7. Het groote tafereel der dwaasheid ... familien en persoonen van hooge en lage stand zyn geruineerd, en in haar middelen verdorven, en de opregte negotie gestremt, zo in Vrankryk, Engeland als Nederland ... Gedrukt tot waarschouwinge voor de nakomelingen in 't noodlottige jaar, voor veel zotte en wyze. [Amsterdam?], 1720.
  8. Early issues of 35 satirical prints from Het groote tafereel der dwaasheid. [Amsterdam?], 1720.
  9. Documents relating to the South Sea Company, 1720-1739. 5 items.
  10. The South Sea bubble, and the numerous fraudulent projects to which it gave rise in 1720, historically detailed as a beacon to the unwary against modern schemes (enumerated in an appendix) equally visionary and nefarious. London, For T. Boys, 1825.
  11. South Sea Company. Financial documents relating to the South Sea Company, 1719-1721.
  12. Jonathan Swift. The bubble, a poem. London : Printed for Benj. Tooke: and are to be sold at John Paton's shop in the Parliament-Closs, 1721.
  13. Edward Ward. The delights of the bottle; or, The compleat vintner. : With the humours of [in 2 columns] Bubble upstarts. Stingy wranglers. Dinner spungers. Jill tiplers. Beef beggers. Cook teasers. Pan soppers. Plate twirlers. Table whitlers. Drawer biters. Spoon pinchers. And other tavern tormenters. A merry poem. To which is added, A South-Sea song upon the late bubbles. London; : Printed for Sam. Briscoe at the Bell-Savage on Ludgate-Hill., 1721.