The Apostolic Fathers: An Essential Guide by Clayton N. JeffordCollection of early Christian writings from the late first and early second centuries. An Essential Guide will explain the nature of the collected writings as they stand between the world of the New Testament and later Christian writers, focusing upon what the texts say about ancient Christian thinkers, early church developments, and the evolution of theological ideas prior to the great ecumenical councils. Online available.
Apostolic Fathers Studies
New Essays on the Apostolic Fathers by Clare K. RothschildThis volume comprises fifteen new essays on the Apostolic Fathers with a focus on 1 and 2 Clement. The volume ranges widely within and beyond early Christian literature-from the streets of ancient Achaean and Asian the early modern libraries of Europe.
The Shepherdof Hermas and the Pauline Legacy by Jonathan E. SoyarsTraces the influence of Pauline literary traditions upon one of the most widely attested and influential apocalyptic texts from early Christianity. Discovers extensive evidence of his adoption, adaptation, and synthesis of identifiable Pauline material in the Visions, Mandates, and Similitudes sections. Online available.
Community Building in the Shepherd of Hermas by Mark GrundekenInvestigates aspects of Christian community life as reflected upon in Shepherd of Hermas (2nd century C.E.): (alleged) 'Jewish Christianness', (lack of) resurrection belief, sectarian tendencies and its relation to the authorities and to the emperor cult; social features; and rituals. Online available.
The Apostolic Fathers in Translation
The Apostolic Fathers by Gerald Walsh et al.Clement of Rome, Ignatius, Polycarp of Smyrna, "Barnabas, Hermas, Papias of Hierapolis, Epistle to Diognetus, Didache. Online available.
The Didache by Aaron MilavecGreek-English side-by-side, gender-inclusive translation is included as well as a description of how this document, after being fashioned and used 50-70 C.E., was mysteriously lost for over eighteen hundred years before being found in an obscure library in Istanbul. Online available.
Apostolic Fathers Commentaries
The Shepherd of Hermas by Carolyn OsiekExtremely popular in its time, The Shepherd of Hermas is a second-century work often used for instruction of catechumens, and is widely regarded as scripture. Only full-length commentary on "The Shepherd" in English. Online available.
Didache by Kurt NiederwimmerDidache's origins can be traced to the first century. It is apparently a catechism, intended to provide basic instructions. Echoes of Jesus' teaching in its Matthean form. Online available.
Apostolic Fathers Editions
The Apostolic Fathers by Bart D. EhrmanThe writings of the Apostolic Fathers give a rich and diverse picture of Christian life and thought in the period immediately after New Testament times. Some of them were accorded almost Scriptural authority in the early Church. Reflects current idiom and the latest scholarship. Online available. 2 volumes.