Materials from the following collections were explored in today's class session.
Link to the online finding aid for this collection in Archives at Yale
Overview: Correspondence, press releases, oral history transcripts, objects, and printed material documenting Yale student involvement in the 1970 May Day rally in New Haven, Connecticut and published materials related to Yale's student strike, the anti-war movement, and the Black Panthers trial in New Haven. Also included are publications related to anti-war activities nationally. The collection was assembled by Manuscripts and Archives staff from a variety of sources.
Highlighted materials for today's class session:
Accession 1971-A-004
Accession 1983-A-108
Accession 2003-A-080
Accession 2012-A-028
Accession 2017-A-041
Link to the online finding aid for this collection in Archives at Yale
Overview: Pamphlets, brochures, typescripts, booklets, comic books, posters, cartoons, letters, memoranda, offprints, etc., documenting various aspects of social issues in America and throughout the world during the mid-twentieth century. These materials were collected or created during the period 1938-1973 by Liston C. Pope, Dean and Professor of Social Ethics at the Yale Divinity School, and his students.
Highlighted materials for today's class session:
Series I. Corporate Bodies
Series II. Topical Files
Link to the online finding aid for this collection in Archives at Yale
Overview: Audio recordings and transcripts of oral histories conducted by New Haven Oral History Project staff with New Haven, Connecticut, citizens. The New Haven Oral History Project (NHOHP) was founded in September, 2003 by Andrew Horowitz and Professor Glenda Gilmore as a special project of the Yale University History Department.
Highlighted materials for today's class session: Note that collection originals are in digital format only. Printouts of selected interview transcripts relating to the New Haven May Day rally and Black Panther trials (1970) and the Vietnam War are being used in the class session. Interviews (WAV files) and transcripts (MS Word files) can be requested via contact information provided in the online finding aid.
New Haven May Day rally and Black Panthers
Vietnam War