Here are links to digital collections of British eighteenth-century caricatures and satires available online. Try searching within these by title or name.
Here are links to electronic resources with general collections of art, cultural, and historical images that include British eighteenth-century works.
See also Yale Digital collections (in box at upper left)
Here are links to online collections of digitized primary source visual materials focused on particular periods (pre-1700, Victorian), subjects (medicine, military), or formats (gravestones, maps).
Unlike most Yale images collections, the Lewis Walpole Library's collection is cataloged in Orbis, Yale's Library catalogue, with links to images in the Digital Images Collection online. Records include a link to the digital image.
To find graphic materials in Orbis:
For more info, click here.
Suggested Genre/Form terms to search on:
Satires (Visual Works)
Political cartoons
Portrait Prints
Group Portraits
Advertising cards
Trade Cards
Theatrical Productions
(and other media like Watercolors, Aquatints, Graphite drawings, etc.)
This Catalogue comprises descriptions, historical and biographical explanations and illustrations, measurements, and other details of satirical prints and drawings in the British Museum. Volumes include introductory essays, and later volumes include indexes. Volumes 8 and 11 available temporarily through Hathi Trust.