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Latin American & Caribbean Newspapers: Peru

This guide provides a comprehensive access to the available newspaper holdings.

Titles from Arequipa

Arequipa Libre

Held at Beinecke - 1992 S14

(1827-1829) This biweekly provides a Peruvian perspective on Bolivar’s fight to unite Gran Colombia as well as thoughtful reflection on what nationhood means, including a discussion on slavery. It also reprints articles from other regional newspapers.

Maestro de Escuela

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bm26

El Nacional

Held at LSF - Peru A83 +N116

El Pensador

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bp38

El Republicano

Held at LSF - Peru O14 S76 +R29

El Revisor

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +br325

Titles from Ayacucho

El Ayacuchano

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bay11

(1835) Contains mainly decrees and a few commentaries supporting government actions, such as allowing importation of slaves, passing agricultural laws and making provisions to defend the country.

El Democrata

Held at LSF - WD 6316

La Oliva de Ayacucho

Held at LSF - Peru A83 +OL4

Titles from Callao

El Desengaño

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bd45

Titles from Cuzco

El Boletin Salaverri

Held at Beinecke - 1992 +S35

Bulletin (Sociedad Filantropica de Cuzco)

Held at LSF - Peru Nva94 +So3e

El Campeon de la Independencia Peruana

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bc15

(1835) This provides the Peruvian viewpoint on the break up of the Confederation.

El Censor Eclesiastico

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr bc331

Despertador Politico

Held at LSF - WD 8047

El Eco de la Opinion

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bec71

El Eco do Socabaya

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bec74

El Estrella Federal

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bes88

Jenio de Cuzco

Held at LSF - WD 8045

Libertad Restaurada

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bL615

Minerva del Cuzco

Held at LSF - Peru A83 +M661

El Pacificador del Peru

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bp116

El Rejenerador Peruano

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +br28

El Sol de Cuzco

Held at Beinecke - Peru +cCwpr +bso4

(1825-1827) Independence brought a return of press freedom and a flourishing of publications such as this weekly. El Sol invited and printed articles from readers who were experts in law, economics and sciences. One interesting aspect of coverage is documentation of how support for Bolivar dwindled in Peru in the years immediately following independence from Spain. Early editions praise patriotism by publishing anecdotes of good citizenship and a list of citizens who donated money to the public treasury.

El Triunfo del Pueblo

Held at LSF - Folio Peru OO14 S76 T73

Titles from Jauja

El Rayo de Junin

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +br21

Titles from Lima

Abeja Republicana

Held at Beinecke

(1822-1823) This feisty insect of a semiweekly roused enough passions to provoke a demand for satisfaction from General Jose de San Martin after he had retired from public life and vowed to remain out of public view. Publishing alleged communiqués from the general, the newspapers impugned his intentions in liberating the country from Spain. Besides exposes, it also published thoughtful essays on individual rights compared to communal or social rights.

El Americano

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bam35

El Amigo del Clerigo

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr sL61 Am53

El Amigo del Pueblo, hoja diaria

Held at LSF - Peru A83 +Am53

El Amigo del Pueblo, periodico literario

Held at LSF - Peru A83 +Am54

Los Andes Libres

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +ban24

(1821) This weekly celebrates and justifies Peruvian independence, offering arguments based on the failing of the Spanish state and the ancient Inca heritage. It also addresses religious arguments against independence. The newspaper advocates public education and interprets all aspects of life from theater and music to public smoking, in a political light. It reprints reports from the regional press connected with the fight for independence. The editors halted publication after 16 issues when the subscriptions ran out and began producing Correo Mercantil, Politico y Literario del Peru.


Held at LSF-Beinecke - Peru Cwpr ban86

(1813) Written to refute the Argos Constitucional, this sporadically published periodical demonstrates the opportunity for free discussion of ideas that Spain’s liberal constitution provided its American colonies. The commentaries also provide some insights into the newspaper reading habits of the late colonial era and the place of newspapers in political and social life.

La Antorcha

Held at LSF - WD 8071

La Antorcha Peruana

Held at LSF - Peru A83 +An88

El Argos Constitucional de Lima

Held at LSF-Beinecke - Peru Cwpr bar36

(1813) A weekly founded to analyze the new liberal constitution in installments, this periodical spent as much space defending itself against attackers as it did praising the benefits of a constitutional monarchy. It provides insights into the colonials who still considered themselves Spaniards barely a decade before independence.

Atalaya Contra Vitalicios

Held at LSF - Peru A83 At15

El Ateneo

Held at LSF - Peru A65p 550

El Ateneo Americano

Held at LSF - WD 8034

El Ateneo de Lima

Held at LSF - PEru A65p 0200

La Aurora del Rimac

Held at LSF - WC 16332

Aurora Peruana

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bau61

(1838) This anti-Santa Cruz weekly sought to inform Peruvians about the war with Chile while refuting the attacks of the Argentine and Chilean press on Peru. Classifieds provide insights into daily life.

La Bala Roja

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr bb18

El Banquillo

Held at LSF - Peru A95 +B227

El Brujo

Held at LSF - WC 16326

El Busca-pique

Held at LSF - WB 35131

El Cañon

Held at LSF - Peru A83 +C164

El Catolica Cristiano

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bc29

Le Centella

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bc333

El Centinela de la Libertad

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr bc335

El Chicote

Held at LSF - WD 8048

El Coco de Santa-Cruz

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bc64

(1835) Edited by Spanish-educated criollo poet and playwright Felipe Pardo, this occasional newspaper offered satiric opposition to Santa Cruz. Much of the humor is based on criticizing Santa Cruz’s Indian ancestry, giving an indication of the racist attitudes prevalent in the region during that era. The newspaper characterized the Confederation as a Bolivian invasion of Peru and supported the Chilean invasion as liberating an occupied country.

La Colmena

Held at LSF - WD 8084

El Comercio

Microfilm - SML - Film An C734

El Cometa

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr bc73

El Cometa

Held at LSF - Peru A83 C734

El Conciliador

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bc74

(1830) Published by the government printing house, this semi-weekly provides thorough coverage of decrees and courts as well as insights into daily life from theater to press law and right of reply. It also contains tax records.

La Conquista

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bc764

El Consolador

Held at LSF - Peru A83 C765

El Constitucional

Held at LSF - WD 8037

El Constitucional de Lima

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bc767

El Coracero

Held at LSF -Peru Cwpr +bc81

El Correo de Peru

Held at LSF - Peru A83 +C816

Correo Mercantil

Held at LSF - Peru A83 +C817

Correo Mercantil, Politico y Literario (formerly Los Andes Libres)

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +ban24

Los Coscorrones de pluma

Held at LSF - WB 35134

La Cotorra

Held at Beinecke - 2012 562

La Cotorra, periodico eventual

Held at LSF - WD 8046


Held at LSF - WQ 696

Cronica Politica y Literaria de Lima

Held at LSF - WC 16327

La Depositario

Held at LSF - Peru A95 +D441

(1821) This is an early example of a humor periodical.

El Diario de la Tarde

Held at LSF - WD 8038

Diario de Lima (1822)

Held at LSF - WC 16334

Diario de Lima e Itinerario Politico

Held at LSF - WB 35109

El Discreto

Held at Beinecke - Peru OLs21 D42

El Duende Republicano

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr bd86

El Eco de la Opinion del Peru

Held at LSF - WD 7972

El Eco del Paucarpata

Held at Beinecke - 1992 +S24

El Espectador

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bes64

El Espia

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bes65

El Estafeta

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr bes82

El Estandarte

Held at LSF - WD 8097

El Faro

Held at LSF - Peru L10 +F23

El Fiscal

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr bf52

La Floresta

Held at LSF - Peru A83 +F663

El Fraile

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr bf84

Gaceta de Gobierno

Held at Beinecke - 1976 +S6

Gazeta de Lima

Held at Beinecke - 1983 +S3

El Genio de Rimac

Held at LSF - WD 8041

Guardia Nacional

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bg93

El Hijo de su Madre

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr bh53

El Hijo del Montonero

Held at LSF - Peru A83 H539

El Hombre Libre en el Peru

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr bh75

La Ilustracion

Held at LSF - Peru A83 +IL93

El Imparcial

Held at Beinecke - 1992 +S26

(1838) Despite its name, this semi-weekly supports Santa Cruz and includes reports from Chile. Classifieds contain interesting insights into daily life, including attempted frauds and sales of slaves.

El Imperio de la Ley

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bim76

El Instructor Peruano

Held at LSF - Peru A83 In75

El Investigador del Peru

Held at LSF - Peru A83 In85

(1813-1814) Published by a book store owner, this daily newspaper chronicles the South American wars for independence and the civil war in Spain by reprinting articles from other newspapers. Its final issue laments the loss of press freedom resulting from Fernando’s return to the throne.

El Iris (1834)

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bir4

El Iris (1855)

Held at LSF - WD 8087

El Juicio Nacional

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bj93

La Juventud Peruana

Held at LSF - WD 8366

El Liberal

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr bL613

Lima Libre

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bL62

El Limeño

Held at LSF - WD 8088

El Loquero

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr bL88

El Loro

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bL89

La Madre de Montonero

Held at LSF - WC 15927

El Mapa Politico y Literario

Held at LSF - WD 7889

Mercurio Peruano

Microfilm - SML - Call No. Film S4075

Mercurio Peruano de Historia, Literatura y Noticias Publicas...

Held at Beinecke - Peru Cwpr bm53

El Miercoles de Ceniza

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr bm58

Minerva Peruana

Held at LSF - Peru A83 M662

La Miscelanea

Held at LSF - Peru A83 +m681

El Monitor Peruano

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bm75

La Mulata

Held at LSF - WD 7839

El Murcielago

Held at LSF - WC 16012

El Nacional (1835)

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bn11

El Nacional (1850-1851)

Held at LSF - WD7837

El Observador de Lima

Held at LSF - Peru A83 Ob7

El Observador Imparcial

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bob7

La Opinion

Held at Beinecke - 1992 +S27

La Opinion de Lima

Held at LSF - WD 8043

La Opinion de los Pueblos

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bop36

El Oso

Held at LSF - Peru A83 Os6

El Papagayo

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr bp19

Para Muchachos

Held at LSF - WC 25257

La Patria en Duelo

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr bp275

La Patria Sin Duelo

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr bp274

El Patriota

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bp277

El Pedestal de la Libertad

Held at LSF - WC 15996

El Penitente

Held at LSF - Peru A83 +P378

Periodico Eventual

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr bp41

El Periodiquito

Held at Beinecke - 1978 S9

El Peruano

Held at Beinecke - 1973 S17

El Peruano, Diario Oficial

Held at LSF - Folio Peru OO14 S76 A2

El Peruano Independiente

Held at LSF - WE 3491

El Peruano Liberal

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr bp434

El Peru-Boliviano

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bp432

La Prensa Peruana

Held at LSF-Beinecke - Peru Cwpr +bp92

El Progreso

Held at LSF - Peru A83 +P943

La Razon, Periodico Semanal

Held at Beinecke - 1978 S7

El Rebenque

Held at Beinecke - 1978 S8

El Redactor Eclesiastico

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +br25

Redactor Peruano

Held at Beinecke - 1992 +S23

El Rejenerador

Held at SML - FolioSer F 3 (LC)

Rejistro Oficial

Held at LSF Peru O14S76 +A22

El Repertorio Peruano

Held at LSF - WE 3669

El Repertorio Peruano, Periodico politico...

Held at LSF - WC 15926

La Republica

Held at LSF - Folio WF 981

El Restaurador

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +Br31

El Revisor

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +br326

La Revista

Held at LSF - WD 8042

Revista Americana

Held at LSF - WE 3526

Revista Catolica

Held at LSF - Peru A83 +R32624

Revista de Lima

Microfilm - SML - Call No. Film S3865

Revista de Lima, Periodico Quincenal

Held at LSF - Peru A83 51

Revista Militar y Naval; Organo del Centro Militar del Peru

Held at LSF - Peru Ux10 R277

Revista Peruana

Held at LSF - WC 16325

El Rimac

Held at LSF - Peru A83 +R461

El Rondin de la Libertad

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +br66

El Satelite del Peruano

Held at LSF - WC 16350

La Semana

Held at LSF - WD 8077

El Semanario

Held at LSF - Peru A83 +Se521

(1814) This weekly also took advantage of Spain’s short-lived liberal constitution to publish colonial news. Its pages reproduced speeches praising Spain in an indication of Peru’s continued identification with the metropole. Also contains helpful hints, such as making rope from banana leaves.

Semanario Critico

Held at Beinecke - 1978 S45

El Semanario de Lima, Revista Literaria

Held at LSF - WD 8044, WD 8087

El Semanario, Periodico para ninos

Held at LSF - Peru A83 Se524

El Siglo, Periodico Cientifico...

Held at LSF - Peru A65p 0175

El Sol del Peru (1822)

Held at LSF - WD 8058

El Sol del Peru (1823)

Held at LSF WD 7971

El Soldado de la Patria

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bso42

El "Sport" Quincenario Ilustrado

Held at LSF - Peru NL10 +Sp67

Torrente de la Revolucion

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr bt63

El Tribuno de la Republica Peruana

Held at LSF - WB 35234

El Tribuno del Pueblo

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bt72

El Triunfo de la Nacion

Held at LSF - Peru A83 +T739

El Triunfo del Callao

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr =bt73

La Verdad

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bv58

Verdadero Peruano

Held at Beinecke - Peru A83 V584

El Veterano

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bv642

El Veterano de Guia

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bv644

El Vindicador

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bv74

El Volantuso

Held at LSF - Peru A83 V881

El Voto Nacional

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bv94

Titles from Piura

El Botafuego

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bb65

(1827-1830) With news from across the Americas, this occasional publication chronicles the decline of Peruvian support for Bolivar.

La Illapa

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +biL6

Titles from Santiago de Chuco

El Centinela en Campana

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bc336

(1824) This is an early example of revolutionary media, created by its editor’s own admission, for the sole purpose of raising support for independence. Press appeared to move with the revolutionary forces, as the name would indicate.

Titles from Tacna

El Tacneño

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bt11

Titles from Trujillo

La Concordia Peruana

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +bc74b

Constitucional Peruano

Held at LSF - Peru OLs21 C52

La Nave de la Iglesia

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr bn22

Nuevo Dia del Peru

Held at Beinecke - 1975 +S8

El Quipos del Chimu

Held at LSF - Peru A83 +Q47

El Redactor de Trujillo

Held at LSF - Peru Cwpr +br24