Allen, Lewis M. Printing with the handpress; herewith a definitive manual ... to encourage fine printing through hand-craftsmanship. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. [1969].
Burke, Jackson. Prelum to Albion; a history of the development of the hand press from Gutenberg to Morris, by Jackson Burke. San Francisco [Printed at the Press of M.L. and J. Burke], 1940.
The Common press: being a record, description & delineation of the early eighteenth-century handpress in the Smithsonian Institution ; with a history & documentation of the press by Elizabeth Harris ; and drawings & advice on construction by Clinton Sisson. Boston : David R. Godine, 1978.
Logan, Herschel C. The American hand press: its origin, development and use / by Herschel C. Logan ; illustratations by the author ; with a foreword by Ward Ritchie. Whittier, Calif. : Curt Zoller Press, 1980.
Oldham, Robert W. A field guide to North American hand presses and their manufacturers / Robert Oldham. Doswell, Va. : Ad Lib Press, c2006.
Rummonds, Richard-Gabriel. Printing on the iron handpress / Richard-Gabriel Rummonds foreword by Harry Duncan; illustrations and technical diagrams by George Laws. New Castle, DE : Oak Knoll Press, 1998.