This guide highlights resources and research strategies related to the study of forced labor, human trafficking, and slavery in the contemporary global economy. It can be used to support work in History 152J.
For archival sources, please explore the Manuscripts and Archives site, here.
Google like a pro. You can limit your Google search to a particular government, IGO, or agency website with the powerful "site:" search.
Use the Intergovernmental Organization Search Engine (a Google custom search) to search across hundreds of IGO websites:
Please feel free to email any of the librarians below for help in this area:
Josh Cochran, Senior Archivist- American Diplomacy,
James Kessenides, Kaplanoff Librarian for American History,
John Nann, Senior Librarian- Reference, Instruction, Collection Development- Law Library,
To find other relevant librarians, please use the subject specialist search