Andean Collection 1538-1926 (inclusive), 1700-1799 (bulk).In addition to illuminating Spanish civil society, religion, military, economy, and government in the Andes before 19th century independence, the collection contains religious documents detailing native peoples' "demonic" religious practices, first hand accounts of the Tupac Amaru indigenous rebellion, correspondence by and related to revolutionary leaders Simón Bolívar, José de San Martín, and Antonio José de Sucre, and foreign correspondence sketching Lima society between 1869 and 1871. The collection is mostly focused on Peru, but includes Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Personal correspondence, government reports, laws, accounting ledgers, official Church documents, manuscripts and publications document the Bourbon reforms, Indian unrest, the Wars of Independence, the early Republics, and the 19th century war of the Peru-Bolivian Confederation. Also of interest are Jesuit reports from indigenous communities in Paraguay and other remote environs. ALSO AVAILABLE ONLINE.