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Manuscripts and Archives (Repository) Guide to Collections on China: About this Guide

What's Here

The following brief descriptions highlight most of the major collections in Manuscripts and Archives that provide primary resource materials on the study of China.

The collections are arranged by subject or primary emphasis. Choose a subject area or view a list of all the collections by choosing the appropriate tab above.

All of our collections are described in Orbis. Call number (local) searches can be done in Orbis using MS or RU followed by the numbers.

MS: manuscripts in a collection of personal papers created by an individual, members of a family, or an artificial assemblage of materials on a specific topic

RU: a record unit of University archives created by an organization or other unit within Yale

About Manuscripts and Archives (Repository)

Manuscripts and Archives is a major center for historical inquiry and also serves as the documentary memory of Yale University. All members of the Yale community as well as those outside the university are welcome to use the resources and services of the department.


To learn more about us, our services, or how to access our collections, please visit our website.


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Manuscripts and Archives
Manuscripts and Archives

Yale University Library

P.O. Box 208240

New Haven, CT 06520-8240

(203) 432-1735