Marx Science and Social Science Library is celebrating Constitution Day and Citizenship Day by featuring items in our collections.
To see a list of this year's events related to Constitution Day and Citizenship Day, please see our Constitution Day guide.
This site includes a selection of eBooks, primary resources and streaming videos from Yale Library that are available to current affiliates. Selected books are available on the featured books display at Marx Library.
George Washington is about to receive the draft of the Constitution from James Madison in this mural by Barry Faulkner in the National Archives Building in Washington, DC.
Streaming Video
The John Hart Ely papers consists of teaching files, research papers, drafts of articles, legal briefs, professional and personal correspondence, and video tapes documenting Ely's legal and teaching career. The bulk of the collection contains accumulated notes and research materials pertaining to Ely's writings on constitutional law from 1968 to 2003. He was a professor of law at Yale Law School from 1968 to 1973, Harvard Law School from 1973 to 1982, Stanford Law School from 1982 to 1996, and at the University of Miami Law School from 1996 until his death. From 1982 until 1987, Ely was the 9th dean of Stanford Law School.
Roger Sherman (1721-1793) Collection
Correspondence, reports, legal records, financial documents and genealogical material of Roger Sherman, signer of the Declaration of Independence. Included are both family letters and political correspondence. Of special interest are the letters to Governor Jonathan Trumbull on the relationship of Connecticut to the prosecution of the war (1777-1780). Among Sherman's writings are a report from the Constitutional Convention (1787), a note on the proposal for a national bank (1791) and a printed copy of his Almanac for 1760. Genealogical and other papers assembled by Sherman's grandson, George Frisbie Hoar (1826-1904) are also in the collection.
Through this website, you can read and search through thousands of records from George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison and see firsthand the growth of democracy and the birth of the Republic. In its initial phase, Founders Online contained nearly 120,000 fully searchable documents. As work continues on each of the ongoing publishing projects (Hamilton alone is finished), newly annotated and edited records are added. In the years since its initial release, tens of thousands of documents drawn from the print editions and additional transcriptions of documents have been added to Founders Online. When it is complete, Founders Online will include nearly 200,000 documents in this living monument to America’s Founding Era.