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Medical Student Success at Yale's Medical Library: Personal Librarian

A helpful guide to navigating essential tools, resources, and services all in one place


Your Personal Librarian

Hello! In case we haven't already met, my name is Courtney Hadley. I am a Research and Education Librarian at the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library and I am proud to be the Personal Librarian for Yale School of Medicine Students. I am one of several librarians who support various departments across the medical campus.

As your Personal Librarian, I am your go-to contact for any questions you may have. No question is a bad question!

Examples of what I can help with

  • Find full text/PDF
  • Locate a specific resource, article, or paper
  • Build a concept table for searching the literature
  • Develop a strong clinical/research question
  • Selection of best databases for the topic at hand
  • Thesis support



  • Citation Management Training (EndNote, Zotero)
  • Research Team Consultations
  • Evidence Synthesis Support (Education and Specialized Help)
  • Grey Literature Searching
  • DEIB Research Support
  • ...and so much more!

How do you use the Personal Librarian Program?

What your Personal Librarian does:
Regular emails from your Personal Librarian
Provide one-on-one consultations to focus on project-specific needs and questions
Lunch and learn sessions that allow you to learn something new during your lunch break
Providing personalized instruction sessions for Student Affinity Groups
Advanced search support and troubleshooting
How to Take Advantage of your Personal Librarian:
Ask questions
Set up a meeting to discuss your research question
Request a review of your search strategy
Research support with your thesis and summer projects (search strategies, database selection, journals for publication, etc.)
Suggest new materials and resources
Offer ideas for classes and workshops
Give feedback on the PL Program

I am a person with lived experience. 

Ask me how Mental Health First Aid provides support and reduces stigma.

To learn more about the program, please explore our Personal Librarian Webpage.

Reach out to your Personal Librarian, Courtney Hadley

EBP and the Library

What is EBP?

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients.

Sackett, D., Rosenberg, W., Gray, J., Haynes, R., & Richardson, W. (1996). Evidence Based Medicine: What It Is And What It Isn't: It's About Integrating Individual Clinical Expertise And The Best External Evidence. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 312(7023), 71-72. 

How are others describing EBP?

There are different ways of saying "Evidence-Based Practice" in different fields of medicine and healthcare. Here is just a few ways you may see it being written. The important thing to remember is that EBP is the same in all fields.

  • Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM)
  • Evidence-Based Nursing (EBN)
  • Evidence-Based Dentistry (EBD)
  • Evidence-Based Research
  • Evidence-Based Education
  • Evidence-Based Medical Ethics

How does the library use EBP?

Our librarians have co-authored hundreds of evidence synthesis articles. Our staff is continually trained on new search methodologies and processes.

We adhere to the requirements for authorship and contributorship of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).