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Music Library Study Carrel and Locker Policies and Usage: Study Carrels

General Information

Music Library Carrels are once again available! The policies and procedures have changed slightly, and now are in greater conformity with policies in Sterling Memorial Library.

The policies below have been designed to serve the Gilmore Music Library carrel holders, to be fair to other patrons, and to minimize the staff time required to provide the service.

Carrel Eligibility and Requests for Assignment

Music students, faculty, and visiting fellows are eligible for a Music Library carrel.  Priority is given to PhD students after their second year of classes, and to MMA students working on research projects. Other music graduate students, visiting fellows, faculty, and music senior essay writers may also apply for carrels, which are subject to availability. 

Assigned carrels are for the use of the carrel holder only. Other users may use unassigned carrels.

Request a Carrel

To request a carrel please write to or speak to Zachary Haas in the circulation office.

Study Carrel Policies

Carrels are available for use during all hours Gilmore Music Library is open. Library hours are posted here.

Study carrels are for students and faculty members doing active research, as an alternative to carrying home loads of books.

Books are charged to your carrel instead of to your personal account. Gilmore Access Services staff review materials in assigned carrels each week, removing any materials that are not charged to your carrel.

Materials allowed on carrels

You may charge any circulating books and scores to your carrel. 

In addition, non-circulating materials from the Gilmore Music Library basement stacks or the LSF may be charged to carrels.

Books and scores from other school and department libraries may be charged to carrels, except as noted below.  

Please note, the following are not allowed in your carrel:

  • Borrow Direct books
  • Interlibrary Loan books
  • Non-circulating items (except as noted above)
  • Periodicals
  • Reference books and scores
  • Reserve materials
  • Law Library books
  • 24-hour loan books

Please return any course reserve materials to the circulation desk when you are finished. You may place reference books & scores as well as periodicals on a reshelving cart or return them to the circulation desk. If these items are found in your carrel, they will be removed and sent back to the lending library or reading room.

You may have up to two shelves to store your materials. Any books/scores that do not fit on your two allotted shelves will also be removed.

You must use your carrel actively.

Failure to honor these policies may result in the loss of your carrel.

Keeping personal items on carrels

Carrels are intended for storage of library materials, not storage of personal belongings. If it is not being used for its intended purpose, you will be asked to relinquish your carrel.

Appliances are not permitted and will be removed immediately.

The library is not responsible for personal items left in carrels.

If you wish to store personal items or materials charged to your personal account in the library, please apply for a locker.

Adding and Removing Books in Your Carrel

To charge books to your carrel

All items left on a carrel should be charged to the carrel. Please bring books and scores you wish to charge to your carrel to the Circulation Office, where staff will process them and place a carrel reserve band around them. 

If items are found without carrel bands, you will be left a reminder as well as a date by which the request must be made. If items are still found without carrel bands after this date, these items will be removed and sent back to the stacks without further notice.

To discharge books from your carrel

Bring any books you wish to remove from your carrel to the circulation desk, with instructions to remove them from your carrel.

To transfer books to and from your personal account

Carrel records are kept separate from your personal account. If you wish to put a book from your personal account into your carrel, you must have it discharged at the circulation desk and placed on carrel reserve. If you wish to take a book out of the library from your carrel, you will need to take the item to the circulation desk to have it charged to your personal account in order to remove it from the library.

Evening/Weekend LS Assistant

Profile Photo
Zachary Haas
Music Library Circulation Desk, ML107
(203) 432-0498

Access Services Assistant

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Brendan Galvin
He, Him, His
Music Library, SML, Room ML 107
203 432-4027