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NIH Public Access Policy: Journals and NIH Policy

Step by step instructions regarding new NIH law for Yale staff, faculty, and researchers- provided by the Yale Medical Library.

Journals and the Public Access Policy

How are Publishers Complying with the NIH Open Access Policy?

The easiest way to contribute articles to PMC is to publish in a journal that automatically transfers copies of published articles to the repository. Nothing else is required of you.

Some publishers, while not participating in PubMed Central themselves, will upon request send copies of manuscripts to PMC. 
Medical Library staff can help you determine if a particular journal will deposit articles on your behalf.

Important Tools


Please Note: If the publisher deposits a manuscript, rather than the final published version of the article, you will still have to sign onto the NIH Manuscript Submission  (NIHMS) system to review and approve release of the article to PubMed Central.


If you have any questions or need help complying with the NIH Public Access Policy, please contact the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library at