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ORCID: Searching Using an ORCID

A guide for researchers on using ORCID.

ORCID Searching

Some databases, such as PUBMED, the Web of Science, and Scopus, allow users to search for authors by their ORCID identifiers. This works best for authors who have already populated their ORCID identifiers. Some databases do not yet have ORCID search capabilities. These include the ProQuest and EBSCO platforms.

Below, there are screen shots that will give you a better idea of searching using author identifiers in the Web of Science, Scopus, PUBMED, and in the ADS. 



This screenshot shows the advanced search screen for PUBMED. You can reach the advanced search screen by visiting PUBMED and clicking Advanced Search just below the search box. Once at the advanced search, in the drop-down menu, select "Author - Identifier" and search.

Scopus Search

Scopus ORCID search

Scopus separates its Author search from the main Document search. See in the screenshot that we are in the Author search section. The ORCID identifer shows the place where you can search by a person's ORCID.

Web of Science Search

Web of Science ORCID search

Go to the drop-down menu in the Web of Science search and select Author Identifiers.