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Public Policy Subject Guide: Policy Sources

This guide highlights print and electronic resources for public policy research, plus information about Yale University Library's collections and services.

Find policy papers

PolicyArchive, CIAO, and PAIS are good starting points in the search for policy papers. Check out the other sources below, or the tabs for Think Tanks and NGOs/IGOs, for additional resources.

Strategies for effective Googling

Many fantastic public policy resources--in particular, policy briefs from think tanks, NGOs, and research institutes--can be found online. Here are a few tips for more efficient, effective Google searches:

Include the phrase "policy brief" in your search. (Keep the quotation marks around "policy brief" to find this exact phrase.)

Use a site: search. This will limit your search to a broad domain (e.g., .org sites, .edu sites, .gov sites) or to a specific website (e.g.,


If you're not sure which think tank, NGO, or agency might have issued policy papers on your topic, try a search engine that's powered by Google but limited to a select group of sites.