Digital Tutorial Advisory Group (DTAG) supports the development, scalability, and organization of digital tutorials at Yale Library. DTAG also trains and supports library staff on the creation of new tutorials, including pedagogy, scripting, recording, editing, and maintenance.
DTAG supports two pillars of videos at Yale Library:
Anyone interested in adapting this program at their own library, please reach out to: Kelly Blanchat ( and Caitlin Meyer ( A preview of the program can be seen on this guide, and we are also able to export the training course from Canvas. All program material is available on Creative Commons BY-NC.
A set of video tutorials are hosted on YouTube, linked from the library's homepage. These videos are for commonly used Yale Library-specific resources and collections, such as how to find books, journals, and data sets. This set of videos has specific design requirements to match University branding.
DTAG works with a subject matter expert (SME) to create and maintain this content. The SME could be a library staff member, or a committee. The SME is responsible for providing draft scripts, creating the image (still & video) assets, and reviewing and updating the content annually.
If you have a video tutorial idea for the YouTube channel, DTAG can work with you to ensure it meets the standards of the YouTube channel.
Library staff can also make their own video tutorials for course-integrated instruction. DTAG is not a working group, but we encourage subject matter experts (SMEs) and committees on video creation.
Editing Time & Office Hours
Camtasia editing software is available for YUL staff to use on-site, installed on 14 PC computers in Bass Library. To use Camtasia, reserve time in Bass L06A/B.
Video Hosting
Instruction videos need to have hosting in order to embed or share (we cannot host these videos on Yale Library YouTube).
If you are not familiar with Camtasia or making video tutorials, consider applying for the next Video Tutorials Immersion Program (VTIP).
DTAG supports the creation of video tutorials for specific needs (such as videos for a specific class, or using Advanced Search in a subject-specific database) with staff training through the Video Tutorial Immersion Program (VTIP). All library staff are welcome to apply. No previous video experience is required.
The application period for summer 2023 has closed.