The Dead Sea Scrolls in Scholarly Perspective: A History of Its Research by Devorah Dimant (Editor); Ingo KottsieperThe volume consists of 27 surveys of research into the Dead Sea Scrolls in the past 60 years, written by 26 authors. An innovation of the volume is that it covers Qumran scholarship in separate countries: the USA, Canada, Israel, France, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, Scandinavia, Italy and the Eastern bloc. Each essay also carries a detailed bibliography for the respective country.
The Dead Sea Scrolls Concordance by Martin G. Abegg; James E. Bowley; Edward M. Cook; Emanuel TovA keyword-in-context concordance. Every entry includes the keyword with its context with notes on some readings. All keywords have an English translation, and they are listed in alphabetical order rather than by verbal root, which makes the concordance easier to consult for the non-specialist.