Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah (Online)Contains scholarly translation and evaluation of Biblical texts from the papyri and manuscripts of Wadi Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls, and related bibliographic, linguistic, cultural and historical aspects of ancient Judaism and early Christianity. Over 250 monographs.
Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related LiteratureA series that focuses on how the Scrolls revise and help shape our understanding of the formation of the Bible and the historical development of Judaism and Christianity.
Ancient Judaism and Early ChristianityThe series, which includes monographs and collections of essays, covers a range of topics, typically focusing on areas of mutual influence or points of controversy between Judaism and Christianity in the first centuries CE, including the influence of the Dead Seas Scrolls on Christianity.
Discoveries in the Judaean DesertThis series features forty authoritative volumes with workable scholarly editions of the texts of the major scroll discoveries accompanied by introductions, transcriptions, translations, notes, indices, photographic plates, and hand drawn figures. Yale Library holds 15 of these volumes.
Biblica et OrientaliaA series on biblical studies that includes some monographs on the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Early Judaism and Its LiteraturePublishes works on the history, culture, and literature of Second Temple Judaism the Dead Sea Scrolls, and Jewish apocrypha and pseudepigrapha.
Library of Second Temple Studies (Online)This book series promotes diverse aspects of Second Temple Judaism studies, including innovative work from historical perspectives, studies using social-scientific and literary theory, and developing theological, cultural and contextual approaches.
Texts and Studies in Ancient JudaismThis series deals with any aspect of Judaism in antiquity from the Second Temple Period to the period of tannaitic and amoraic rabbinic literature. Includes volumes on editions, translations and commentaries of the Dead Sea Scrolls.