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Using Library Resources

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Other research guides to explore

About this guide

This guide was designed to introduce you to resources for company and industry research at Yale. Using these tools can give you insight into company strategy and how an industry that you are unfamiliar with operates. 

  • Not sure where to start? Think about who would have an interest in the information you are looking for. Other companies? Investors? Governments? Suppliers? Understanding who might benefit from information can help you figure out where to look.

  • The best research draws from and compares multiple sources. You don't have to find every report, but compare a few! 

  • Be smart! Remember, even (especially!), the most seemingly unbiased reports and associations can have motives. Numbers are numbers, but always be mindful of agendas, presentation, and whether or not the information is reliably sourced.

  • Looking for more resources? The Business & Management Research Guide has a more comprehensive list of all of our business research tools.

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Management, Economics & Entrepreneurship Librarians
Marx Science and Social Science Library
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219 Prospect Street - Concourse Level

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