"Tanka of Gautama Buddha." Box 32, Tibet MSS 62. Beinecke Rare Book Library, Yale University Library.
Excerpted from Thangka Collection (MSS 62) Finding Aid:
"Tankas, also known as thangkas, are hanging scrolls or fabric temple banners that consist of a painted picture panels (called mélong in Tibetan, which means 'mirror'), usually depicting buddhas, mandalas, or great practitioners, which are sewn into or bordered by a textile mountings. Tankas are intended to serve as records of, and guides for, contemplative experiences and visualizations."
View digital images of the thangkas.
Read more about the scope of the collection.
June 14, 2013. Andrew Quintman is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Yale University and provides an introduction to the aesthetic, cultural and religious significance of thangka paintings in the Himalaya. [8 mins]
June 14, 2013. Andrew Quintman is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Yale University and offers a detailed exploration of the aesthetic, cultural and religious significance of thangka paintings in the Himalaya. [21 mins]
Deities and Teachers