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Getting Started with Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS): Data Available at Yale

What is available?

The School of Management and Yale University Library subscribe to several datasets on the WRDS platform. Current subscriptions are visible on the Home page of WRDS after logging in.

Please note: Data availability may change depending on current researcher needs and vendor policies. 

WRDS Data Subscriptions Available at Yale

This list is current as of May 1, 2024

American Hospital Association (AHA)

The American Hospital Association’s (AHA) annual survey and supplemental data sets contain information about US hospitals' organizational structure, service lines, utilization, finances, insurance and payment models, and staffing. The current subscription includes:

  • AHA Annual Survey Database (ASDBs)  - Data is available under History and divided into three databases: 1980 - 1985, 1986 - 1993, and 1994 - latest year. This includes the most current data. 
  • Financial Database (HCRIS sourced) - from 2005 - present
  • IT Healthcare Databasefrom 2008 -  present

Both are available under Recent

Information about AHA methodology, survey manuals, and documentation is available in WRDS. Viewing them requires a WRDS account

Audit Analytics

Audit + Compliance

Includes data on audit fees and opinions, auditor changes and engagements, benefit plan options, disclosure controls, internal controls, financial restatements, and more. 

Corporate + Legal 

An integrated collection databases focusing on actions, disclosures, and correspondence by companies, advisors, regulators, and investors.

Data may be accessed on the platform as well. Yale users can register for an account with a valid Yale email address at Coverage begins in 2000.

Bank Regulatory

Contains five databases for regulated depository financial institutions:  Commercial Bank DatabaseBank Holding Companies Database, FDIC/OTS Database (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation/FDIC and the Office of Thrift Supervision, OTS), Merger Description Database, and Research Information System (RIS) Database.

These databases provide accounting data for bank holding companies, commercial banks, savings banks, and savings & loans institutions. The source of the data comes from the required regulatory forms filed for supervising purposes and is updated annually. More information is available at


This dataset contains standardized data of large blockholders. The data was cleaned from biases and mistakes usually observed in the standard source for this particular type of data. Blockholders' data is reported by firm for the period 1996-2001. Jennifer Dlugosz, Rudiger Fahlenbrach, Paul A. Gompers, and Andrew Metrick explain the data cleaning procedure in detail in their study "Large Blocks of Stocks: Prevalence, Size, and Measurement."

Bond Returns by WRDS

Features access to cleaned datasets of corporate bond transactions, sourced from TRACE Standard and TRACE Enhanced datasets, along with a separate dataset for monthly price, return coupon, and yield information for all corporate bonds traded since July 2002.

CBOE Indexes

The Chicago Board of Options Exchange Volatility Index (VIX - index) is a key measure of market expectations of near-term volatility conveyed by S&P 500 stock index option prices. 

Compustat - Capital IQ (from Standard & Poor's)

Data from S&P is grouped in the following categories:


Fundamental and market information for active and inactive publicly held companies. Data available includes North America - DailyGlobal -  DailyBank - DailyHistorical Segments - Daily, and Snapshot - Monthly Updates. Data coverage: 1950 - present. 

Also includes Execucomp - Monthly Updates.  Execucomp features executive compensation for S&P 1000 firms, including base salary, bonus and stock option data. Data coverage: 1992 - present. 

Capital IQ

Select data from Capital IQ is available via the WRDS platform, including: 

  • Transactions, featuring details on M&A and IPOs.
  • Key Developments, provide structured summaries of news and events that may affect the market value of securities. It monitors over 100 Key Development types including executive changes, M&A rumors, changes in corporate guidance, delayed filings, SEC inquiries, and more. Each Key Development item includes announced date, entered date, modified date, headline, situation summary, type, company role, and other identifiers. Coverage: 1998 - 2014, but varies depending on specific event. 
  • Capital Structure provides extensive debt capital structure for over 60,000 global public and private companies and equity capital structure data on over 80,000 active and inactive companies worldwide. Data coverage for Debt: 2001-2019. Data coverage for Equity 1994 - 2019.
  • People Intelligence covers over 4.5 million professionals and over 2.4 million people including private and public company executives, board members, and investment professionals, globally. Each professional in the Capital IQ database has a distinct profile which can include contact details, biography, education, job functions and titles, board memberships, compensation, insider activity, and options holdings.  
  • Transcripts include current and historical transcripts of more than 8000 company events, such as Earnings Calls, M&A Calls, and Shareholder Calls. CIQ Transcripts covers English-language conference call transcripts of companies from 93 countries. Non-english calls are not included. The earliest event date is from 2004. Transcripts for events occurring between 2004 - 2008 were created retroactively, and coverage is sparse prior to 2008. From 2008 - present, CIQ Transcript records are created as soon as the call ends.

More information is available on the WRDS Overview of Capital IQ Transcripts Data.  Please review this information before attempting to use this data. 

SNL Financial Institutions and Bank Data (also known as FIG)

SNL will be removed from WRDS at the end of 2024. This data will continue to be available on S&P Capital IQ Pro. 

Includes comprehensive fundamental coverage of banking institutions and insurance companies. Bank fundamental coverage provides detailed insights into performance analysis, asset quality, regulatory capital, and deposit/loan composition while Insurance fundamentals provide increased insight into investment level details, underwriting analysis, solvency, embedded value, and distribution channels.
Data Coverage: USA data is back to 1981. International bank coverage goes back to at least 2010 with many of the significant institutions in Europe dating to 2005 and Asia-Pacific to 2008. 

Trucost and S&P Global ESG Scores

S&P's ESG and Trucost data is a mix of scores, indicating how well a company does in a given dimension and impact, measuring tangible amounts of waste produced and resources used. The ratings come from an acquisition of RobecoSAM in 2019. Trucost was acquired by S&P in 2016. The database is divided into the following three parts: 

  • ESG Scores contain criteria scores (most granular) dimension scores, and global ESG scores (most aggregated). Examples include supply chain management and eco-efficiency (criteria scores) and environmental & governance (dimension scores). Each company will have only one global ESG score per year. 
  • Trucost Environmental data reflects actual amounts of resouces used and are not scores. Greenhouse gases (abbreviated as GHG) are measured in metric tons of C02 equivalent, water is measured in cubic meters, electricity is measured in giga watts, etc. Usage is reported by scope.
  • Trucost Climate Analytics  Through company-level analysis, assess exposure to seven climate-change physical risk indicators, analyze exposure to carbon pricing risk under different future climate change scenarios and evaluate alignment with the Paris Agreement goal to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees C from pre-industrial levels.
  • Transcripts features current and historical english - language transcripts of more than 8000 public company events, including earnings, M&A, and shareholder calls.  CIQ Transcripts includes both public and private companies, and most companies included in a major index like Russell 3000. Around 5,000 US companies are included in the database.

The earliest event date included in Transcripts is from 2004. Transcripts for events occurring between 2004 - 2008 were created retroactively, and coverage is sparse prior to 2008. From 2008 - present, CIQ Transcript records are created as soon as the call ends.

Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) 

Changes to CRSP Data - New CRSP US Stock & Indexes Database Format

Security-level historical pricing, returns, and volume data on more than 20,000 stocks (inactive and active companies) from the NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ markets, dating back to 1925 (monthly data) and 1962 (daily data). CRSP also includes United States market indices, treasuries, and mutual funds, and a merged database with S&P's Compustat data.


I/B/E/S, the Institutional Brokers' Estimate System, created its Academic Research Program over 30 years ago to provide summary and individual analyst forecasts of company earnings, cash flows, and other essential financial items, as well as buy-sell-hold recommendations. In 2000, I/B/E/S was integrated with Thomson Reuters / First Call, and in 2012, First Call was discontinued. IBES Academic includes detailed estimates, summary estimates (consensus), and analyst recommendations with actuals. 


Infogroup US Historical Businesses Data contains establishment-level data for more than 24 million businesses, including the business name, location, and industry classification code with coverage dating back to 1997. A subset of this data (2003 - present) is available in Data Axle Reference Solutions (formerly Reference USA).


Major source for credit default swap data. 

Includes the following datasets: 

  • Markit CDS data: CDS pricing data on approximately 3,000 individual entities, with coverage dating back to 2001
  • Markit RED data: Provides the scrubbed long legal name for more than 1,000 reference entities each with a unique six-digit identifier and RED also establishes a link between the scrubbed reference entities and reference obligations which that entity may have issued or guaranteed. Each pair of reference entities and reference obligations has their own unique nine-digit identifier or CLIP
  • Markit CDX data

Mergent FISD

This is a comprehensive database of publicly offered US bonds containing issue details on over 140,000 corporate, corporate MTN (medium-term note), supranational, US Agency, and US Treasury debt securities. It includes more than 550 data items and began covering them in 1950.


Premier provider of historical options data for use in empirical research and econometric studies. Provides historical prices of options and their associated underlying instruments, correctly calculated implied volatilities, and option sensitivities. Coverage: Data on all US exchange-listed and NASDAQ equities and market indices, as well as on all US-listed index and equity options, starting from January 1996.


Preqin is a leading provider of data on alternative assets. It is best known for its venture capital (VC) and private equity (PE) databases, which are currently available on WRDS.


Using over 40,000 sources, RavenPack provides real-time news analytics, including sentiment analysis and event data focused on business and financial applications. Data includes news and social media content, allowing for comprehensive analysis of financial markets. Coverage begins Jan 1. 2000.

Revelio Labs

Revelio is a workforce database that provides insight into a company's positions and job postings. Data is sourced from LinkedIn and supplemented with aggregator sites like Indeed. Available data includes individual work history (Revelio Individual),  Revelio Job Postings, which can be mapped to a company, employee reviews  (Revelio Sentiment), and Revelio Workforce Dynamics. Coverage begins from 2007 - 2009, depending on the product. The Revelio data dictionary is available here

SEC Analytics by WRDS

The WRDS SEC Analytics Suite is a “one-stop” platform that provides standardized service tools to enable users to overcome the challenges in systematically parsing regulatory reports on the SEC website. It can be used to create custom datasets from SEC filings and for parsing and extracting details from entities that reported to the EDGAR database going back to 1994.  Documentation and overviews are available here. 

Trades and Quotes - TAQ 

Contains intraday transaction data (trades and quotes) for all securities listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), American Stock Exchange (AMEX), as well as Nasdaq National Market System (NMS) and SmallCap issues. Data coverage: 1993 - present. 

Thomson / Refinitiv

The following data from Refinitiv is available:

  • Datastream (Equities, Economics, Commodities, and Futures data)
  • Lipper Hedge Fund Database: Quantitative performance data on over 7,500 actively reporting hedge funds and funds of hedge funds, plus over 11,000 graveyard funds.
  • Mutual Fund Holdings - (s12)
  • Institutional Holdings - s34
  • Insiders Data
  • Refinitiv ESG
  • SDC Platinum M&A
  • Worldscope
  • WRDS-Reuters DealScan

TRACE - OTC Corporate Bond and Agency Debt Bond Transaction Data

TRACE is FINRA's over-the-counter (OTC) corporate bond market real-time price dissemination service. Bringing transparency to the corporate bond market, it helps create a level playing field for all market participants by providing comprehensive, real-time access to corporate bond price information. 

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Management, Economics & Entrepreneurship Librarians
Marx Science and Social Science Library
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219 Prospect Street - Concourse Level

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The Team: Allison Gallaspy & Erin Wachowicz